View Full Version : Dummy Detailer Strikes Again! (Amazing Roll Off)

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12-04-2011, 08:54 PM
Hello all!

I seem to have the worst luck when it comes to detailing products, specifically those with cleaning agents in them.

This time around I ran into some trouble with Amazing Roll Off. I was actually using it in the kitchen (tile counters/floors) and was having a good old time. Easy on, easy off - everything was smooth.

Since I was on a roll I decided to spray a bit onto the kitchen table (undiluted, wood surface) and I quickly realized I made an error in judgment.

Now there appears to be "water" spotting where the Roll Off was sprayed and I can't seem to get rid of it. Note: the product did not have a chance to dry on the surface.

What I've tried so far (with no improvement):
- OPC (1:10 dilution) applied with a microfiber
- Agitating OPC (1:10 dilution) with a toothbrush
- Agitating OPC (1:10 dilution) with coarse side of sponge

Any ideas on what I might want to try next? Apologies if this is in the wrong section (or forum), but I couldn't find much information when searching the internet:buffing:

12-04-2011, 08:57 PM
Confess to the wife that you screwed up your expensive table, drag it out to the garage to start using it as a work bench and buy her a new dining room set.

12-04-2011, 09:09 PM
Confess to the wife that you screwed up your expensive table, drag it out to the garage to start using it as a work bench and buy her a new dining room set.

The spotting actually isn't horribly bad, I'll see if I can get a few pictures up so you guys can see what I'm working with.

I was thinking a wood polish might do the trick, but I know wood polishes aren't exactly like a paint polish you would use on a car. Most of the polishes I see come in and cans, and well...I just don't know how those are supposed to work other than cover up problem areas with super high gloss.

12-04-2011, 09:12 PM
With my silly joking aside, what kind of finish is on the wood? Does it have a stain or a sealant on it? If its raw, it might have stained the wood and you would need to try to find something that can actually lift the stain out vs trying to rub it out.

12-04-2011, 09:15 PM
Do you have a steamer? Or I am not sure if this would similarly work but do you have a clothes iron that has a steam setting? If you only have the latter maybe try to get a cloth to put over the stain then put the iron on top of that so you do not burn the wood and see if you can lift the stain out?

12-04-2011, 09:25 PM
You simply need to stain the rest of the table to make it look uniform.

12-04-2011, 09:27 PM
Do you have a steamer? Or I am not sure if this would similarly work but do you have a clothes iron that has a steam setting? If you only have the latter maybe try to get a cloth to put over the stain then put the iron on top of that so you do not burn the wood and see if you can lift the stain out?

I've actually done this before on a dresser where I left a water bottle. The stain came completely out and I plan on giving it a shot when I don't have to worry about looking funny ironing a shirt on the kitchen table :props:.

As for the type of finish...I wish I knew man. It looks like a cherry stain? I really don't know much about wood, but that's my best guess based on the color. What's wierd is that it only spotted where I sprayed directly, but it didn't smear the stain across the finish when I wiped it clean. That gives me a bit of hope.Here's the table after the fact. Even at full resolution you can't see the spotting. It's only really visible with light directly overhead (i.e. both kitchen lights on with human eyes).

Because of that I probably won't get too aggressive with it as to not create a bigger problem that would require a trip to the furniture store Im the MAN


12-04-2011, 09:28 PM
You simply need to stain the rest of the table to make it look uniform.


You could always sand and varnish or new garage table!

12-04-2011, 09:32 PM
Why don't you try sanding it off, it might just be the top of the surface.

12-04-2011, 09:33 PM
Well here's a link to a good sander you will recognize the name
352VS 3 in. x 21 in. Belt Sander-352VS at The Home Depot (http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-100022581/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053)

12-04-2011, 09:37 PM
Just an FYI here.... Hardwood tables and cabinets should NEVER be cleaned with anything more than a mild soap and water. I know you can use you supplies to do it but over time you will cause more damage than good...

12-04-2011, 09:41 PM

You could always sand and varnish or new garage table!

There's always that option :props:

After taking a closer peak, it looks like the "spotted' areas just have that cherry coat missing - which is why they look off from the rest of the table. I'm 99% sure that's the case, and is probably why the bottle says to dilute the product before using on painted surfaces. Granted ARO was probably overkill for cleaning the table, I'm sure soap and water would have done just fine.

Live and you learn :). I'll still give the iron a go just to see what happens, but I'm not expecting much out of it.

12-04-2011, 09:43 PM
Just an FYI here.... Hardwood tables and cabinets should NEVER be cleaned with anything more than a mild soap and water. I know you can use you supplies to do it but over time you will cause more damage than good...

Yep, I completely agree. I was cleaning up oil splatter on the counter/floor and just got a little trigger happy. Normally I just use some soapy water and maybe a sponge to boot.

12-04-2011, 09:53 PM
Don't be too hard on yourself mark2dx, I do the same thing all the time lol. I go way overboard or over-engineer something, or over analyze the situation to the point of making it worse. I guess thats what keeps me entertained in life? I get to fix my screw-ups lol

12-04-2011, 09:57 PM
You simply need to stain the rest of the table to make it look uniform.

:iagree:Im the MAN