View Full Version : Does this make sense?

11-26-2011, 05:33 PM
Old forum member haven't posted in a long time.
Getting into obsessing about my car's finish again.
What works on other cars doesn't work on my own - Lexus Black SC 430.

Does the following make sense? Wash, alcohol wipe, clay X 2 (its been a while -- OK over a year), then a Meguiars yellow pad with Menzerna Intensive polish, high speed buffer about 3-4K, then a Mequiars tan pad with Menzerna micro polish, about 3K. Looks great but in the sun fine-fine micro swirls radians (wrong word?). I don't want to fill in the radians with was -- I hate that. If I come back again with a green pad (can't remember brand, but through this site), and Menzerna Final Polish II at about 1000K and a moisturizer on the pad, I can get out the radians.

This must be total lack of technique on my part. There must be an easier way -- three passes? my back won't take doing the whole car that way, but remember things that work on other cars for a swirl free finish don't work on this Lexus Black - or at least that is what I have convinced myself. I've done a lot of other people's cars for them with two passes, and never need a green pad.

So, if you have time, please evaluate my process.. I am open to being told I have been doing it wrong.
Please tell me why I don't see Menzerna Final Polish II on the site anymore (is this the now called Micro Polish?)

Am I alone in using a "moisturizer" at slow speed. Sorry I am not smarter.

11-26-2011, 07:52 PM
lexus black is pretty soft so you don't need a whole lot to correct it.

by high speed buffer, I'm assuming you mean rotary. I've never used one but most people that do rarely use anything faster than 1500. 3-4K sounds insanely fast. Finishing polish at 1K sounds ok, and jeweling at 600-800 is also ok.

are you seeing any holograms after your wipedown or just the radians?

Speaking of which, you don't need an alcohol wipedown after washing. I would stay away from alcohol in general on a black car with softer paint.

After polishing, I'd wash the car or wipedown with Griots pre wax cleaner. The cleaner might be easier than a wash, and would allow you to check your work since you seem to be doing all your polishing using the rotary.

Sounds like you need some 106FA or 85rd (moisturizer?).
No idea about pads for a rotary Megs or otherwise

Flash Gordon
11-26-2011, 08:35 PM
I'm not real familiar with either Menzerna polishes or Meguiars pads, but your RPM's are out of control!

1200-1600 during the correction process with slow arm speed and heavy pressure

800-1200 during finishing with medium arm speed and medium to light pressure

Lexus clear in general is very soft. You might have problems trying to finish with the rotary

11-27-2011, 12:52 PM
Thank you guys -- its been a while. Yes, I meant a rotary. You are no doubt right on speeds. I'll take it way down.
I guess hologram is a better description -- it floats over the surface.

I think I got rid of the holograms with Menzerna Final Polish II and a green pad - slow speed (1000) then as slow as it would go, but we don't really have that high-noon sun today to see the holo's. I can;t get them to show up with the Brinkman light.

When you say "trouble trying to finish with a rotary" are suggesting I should try one of those vibrating buffers - Porter Cable Dual-Action? I have one (maybe two) I hate them - but if that is the answer - i'll try it.

11-27-2011, 01:06 PM
When you say "trouble trying to finish with a rotary" are suggesting I should try one of those vibrating buffers - Porter Cable Dual-Action? I have one (maybe two) I hate them - but if that is the answer - i'll try it.

With the exception of some accomplished pros who border on magicians, a DA to finish is pretty much routine for removing rotary-induced defects.. Although rotaries have been the go-to for tough corrections many of those same pros now use DAs for compounding as well, they've been a capable tool for years and years and some of the more recent product developments have changed the game..

You may want to consider Opti Coat for that soft Lexus finish. I primarily tried it for a soft finish to increase hardness and minimize swirling. It's so maintenance-free I ended up putting it on all my vehicles.