View Full Version : Need help finding the right polisher....

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Derek Short
11-26-2011, 12:03 AM
Well I am new here to this site. I just made a thread in the intro. section of this forum introducing myself.

Here is what i am looking for....
I am 26 years old ive been hand detailing cars since i was 17 when i got my first car. ive done a few cars for my friends and family here and there. But its time to take it to the next level and really get that OMG WOW look.

Ive been searching around looking at a few different polishers and from what im seeing it looks like the DA polishers seem to be the best for some1 in my shoes who is new to the machine polishing world. I would like to eventually work my way up to a rotary polisher but til then i need to work my way up the ladder.

I am going to start out doing my cars, friends and family cars and i would like to turn this into a nice little side business when i can make a few extra bucks on the side. I work mon.-thur. and have 3 day weekends every week. So i tend to have a lil extra free time which is nice.

So anyways.... I have been looking at the following polishers and would like to get your guys opinions on which one i should buy and which will be best for me starting out. I will also be having a lot of questions about pads and cleaners waxes etc... but need to start out with which polisher to get.

Here are the ones im looking at...

Porter Cable 7424XP, 7424, 7336
Meguiar's G110v2, G110, G100, G100a G220
Griot's Garage 6" Random Orbital Polisher

I am open to any other opinions as well.
Pros? and cons? about any and all would be very helpful.

Thanks everyone.

11-26-2011, 12:18 AM
For me, I would go with the G110v2. While the GG6 has the most power among the three, I've read numerous reports of reliability issues. While it does have a lifetime warranty, if you're planning on doing this as a side-business, waiting for a replacement for a broken polisher can easily cost you a few days worth of customers. Additionally, if you get the DA MF pads, you don't really need all the power of the GG6.

That leaves the G110v2 and the 7424XP. While the Meg's DA has had issues with the power cord, they recently pulled out and then re-released the G110v2, apparently with a new cord that (hopefully) has solved the issue. On the other hand, there have been several reports of issues with the 7424XP in the past months - broken shafts, spindle assemblies pulling out, etc. Couple with the fact that the 7424XP is the least powerful of the three, and the G110v2 has a cruise control function that helps keep the pad rotating (something that the other two DAs lack), and my choice would be the G110v2.

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 12:23 AM
For me, I would go with the G110v2. While the GG6 has the most power among the three, I've read numerous reports of reliability issues. While it does have a lifetime warranty, if you're planning on doing this as a side-business, waiting for a replacement for a broken polisher can easily cost you a few days worth of customers. Additionally, if you get the DA MF pads, you don't really need all the power of the GG6.

That leaves the G110v2 and the 7424XP. While the Meg's DA has had issues with the power cord, they recently pulled out and then re-released the G110v2, apparently with a new cord that (hopefully) has solved the issue. On the other hand, there have been several reports of issues with the 7424XP in the past months - broken shafts, spindle assemblies pulling out, etc. Couple with the fact that the 7424XP is the least powerful of the three, and the G110v2 has a cruise control function that helps keep the pad rotating (something that the other two DAs lack), and my choice would be the G110v2.

awesome thanks for that feedback.
I was seriously considering the 7424XP til i got on the forum and starting doing some research on them and starting reading how a lot of people have been having issues with them and such. so i started think maybe its best to make this thread and get the opinions of the guys who have actually used this stuff and knows whats up more so than some1 like myself.

Thanks again for the helpful info ill be looking into that.

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 12:31 AM
Here is a link on AG to the different kits of this polisher.
which one of these kits would u guys recommend would be the best for me to start out with?
Or am i best off with just getting the DA polisher by itself and then buy the waxes, cleaners, etc separately?

5.4 Shelby
11-26-2011, 12:37 AM
Reports of "issues" have surfaced for all of them. I have the Griots and no problems. You can never have too much pwer. You can always dial it down.

If you would have issues, the warranty on the Griots is forever. Cant beat that. Downtime could be an issue, but, it could be with any of them.

Answer, get 2. You always have a spare. You can outfit one with 5.5 in pads and the other with 4 in. Problem solved.

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 12:38 AM
also another question about that polisher does it have a feature when u can attach smaller polisher heads to it for getting into the tighter, and smaller places? suck as around the doors?? mirrors? etc... or is that something different i need to look into?

5.4 Shelby
11-26-2011, 12:47 AM
also another question about that polisher does it have a feature when u can attach smaller polisher heads to it for getting into the tighter, and smaller places? suck as around the doors?? mirrors? etc... or is that something different i need to look into?
Yes, they have interchangable backing plates as I mentioned in my post above. That would be one of the nice features of owning 2. In fact i own 5 polishers.

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 12:49 AM
what kind of warranty comes with the G110v2 polisher?
Also how long is the power cord on it?

Ive gone back and been reading about them again and im starting to like the G110v2 polisher. just want to make sure it will be the right choice. I like how when u do go and apply pressure it will help keep the torque there where some of the other DA polishers will tend to bogg down.

as of right now i think ive pretty much weight out the Porter Cable 7424 XP Dual Action Orbital Polisher (http://www.autogeek.net/dual-action-polishers.html)

and im looking at the 2 you guys have mentions so far...

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 12:52 AM
Yes, they have interchangable backing plates as I mentioned in my post above. That would be one of the nice features of owning 2. In fact i own 5 polishers.

Oh nice!

here it is i found it...

this lil guy is the one i was thinking of...
Griot's Garage Professional Random Orbital 3 Inch Polisher, Random Orbit Buffer, Dual Action Polisher, 3" buffer (http://www.autogeek.net/griots-orbital-polisher.html)

i wouldn't mind having 2 one for the main big surface areas of the car and then this lil guy for the harder smaller spots.

And also on this G110v2 polisher its only a 6" polisher and you can't chance or swap out the pad head piece? like run a 4" or a 6"?

11-26-2011, 01:00 AM
All of the DAs have interchangeable backing plates.

5.4 Shelby
11-26-2011, 01:01 AM
Oh nice!

here it is i found it...

this lil guy is the one i was thinking of...
Griot's Garage Professional Random Orbital 3 Inch Polisher, Random Orbit Buffer, Dual Action Polisher, 3" buffer (http://www.autogeek.net/griots-orbital-polisher.html)

i wouldn't mind having 2 one for the main big surface areas of the car and then this lil guy for the harder smaller spots.

And also on this G110v2 polisher its only a 6" polisher and you can't chance or swap out the pad head piece? like run a 4" or a 6"?
Dont buy the 3in. It has a role, but, limited (headlights, etc). Buy 2 full size DAs. Id buy 2 griots or 1 griots and 1 Porter Cable. You can run 4 in one 1 and 5,5 on the other. Great setup and you have a spare if one breaks down.

I dont know, but, I would bet Megs has interchangable backing plates as well.

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 01:03 AM
just came across this bad boy...
Flex XC 3401, FLEX Orbital Polisher,flex XC 3401 VRG dual-action polisher,flex XC3401VRG,Dual Action polisher,FLEX buffer (http://www.autogeek.net/flex-orbital-polisher.html)

This seems to be the king of all DA polishers....

Is this something that i should consider? or is it a bit over kill?

I see the opm seem to be a bit more on it vs the G110v2 (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-dual-action-polisher-g110.html) and the Griot's Garage 6 inch Random Orbital Polisher (http://www.autogeek.net/griots-random-orbital-polisher.html)

The opm is something i want to consider because i thought i heard or was reading somewhere when doing the final finish on a car u want to keep the opm down to around 2000? i think it was?

maybe a few of you can help clear this up a lil.
sorry for all the 100's of questions just want to make sure i start out with the right equipment. don't want to spend a chunk of money on something then regret it and be like oh man i should have got this instead of that... im sure some of you guys can relate to what im saying.

11-26-2011, 01:08 AM
Have you considered the Flex 3401? I don't believe there's very many, if any, reports of it failing. It has forced rotation, so it'll never bog down and probably has the best build quality of all DA's. Yes, it's the most expensive, but like Mike says:

Quality never costs money it makes money...

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 01:11 AM
Dont buy the 3in. It has a role, but, limited (headlights, etc). Buy 2 full size DAs. Id buy 2 griots or 1 griots and 1 Porter Cable. You can run 4 in one 1 and 5,5 on the other. Great setup and you have a spare if one breaks down.

I dont know, but, I would bet Megs has interchangable backing plates as well.

hey shelby i was re reading about that polisher and i couldn't find any thing about it having cruise control? i saw that the megs. does have that.

Derek Short
11-26-2011, 01:15 AM
Have you considered the Flex 3401? I don't believe there's very many, if any, reports of it failing. It has forced rotation, so it'll never bog down and probably has the best build quality of all DA's. Yes, it's the most expensive, but like Mike says:

lol funny u mention that polisher i just posted up about it. I am willing to spend the bucks for a nice decent polisher. I did have a few concerns about it tho... and questions...

does it have some sort of cruise control?
was also somemwhat concern about the power opm its putting down is that a bit high? I thougth i was reading somewhere when doing the finishing / final coat it should be around 2000 opm. maybe i am mistaken and some1 can clear this up for me.