View Full Version : Trying to organize...

11-25-2011, 11:58 AM
So, you guys have recently created this addiction for me. In the past few weeks I have gone from wanting to "winterize" my vehicles to feeling like I need to pillage every BOGO. So be it...now I need to find a way to organize and store.

I used to keep all of my supplies in the garage, until I went to use my Lexol conditioner and the sprayer cracked from chemical freezing in it. Now it's all migrating to the basement. Trying to be as frugal as possible (yea, right!) I decided to take advantage of some black friday goodness! I'm attaching a photo of a shelf I bought, some test containers for microfiber, and as soon as I'm done posting this I'm off to Lowe's for another shelf. In the store I thought "Hell, one should be good enough". Now, as I sit here waiting for the cyber busters, I find myself "Hell, I need at least two more!".

Anyways, I figured you guys may be interested in this sort of stuff. Shelf is normally 78 marked down to 49, and it seems quite sturdy. I'll be sure to post photos once it and its siblings are assembled!



11-25-2011, 02:25 PM
Looking good. Shelves and bins are always nice, but I can tell you that Rubbermaid cart is priceless. I own two and use it for so many things. Looks like you used it to move your new goodies!