View Full Version : Removing polish residue

VW 91
11-22-2011, 03:44 PM
This seems to happen to me quite frequently and it is kind of annoying. After a correction I will pull the car out in the sun and it looks like their are slight buffer trails all over the car. Both times this happened I was correcting with a DA so I know their not actually holograms. One car that had them went away after a wash weeks later. Which leads me to believe its polish residue.

After I see them I wipe the area with more IPA or OPC 3:1, and even Erasor but they're still there. They only go away later on after the wash.. My question is, during a correction I wait till the end of each polishing step to IPA. Should I be doing that after each panel?

Feed back please

11-22-2011, 06:18 PM
I don't use IPA, but I have moved to water based polishes.

VW 91
11-22-2011, 09:19 PM
I was looking at picking up some as well, but I still have a gallon of 205 to use up along with other Meguirs, Optimum, and Menzerna polishes.

Old Tiger
11-22-2011, 10:18 PM
I don't use IPA, but I have moved to water based polishes.
Me too! The new Optimums are superb. Be sure to wipe off ASAP after polishing or you will regret not doing so.

Old Tiger
11-22-2011, 10:24 PM
This seems to happen to me quite frequently and it is kind of annoying. After a correction I will pull the car out in the sun and it looks like their are slight buffer trails all over the car. Both times this happened I was correcting with a DA so I know their not actually holograms. One car that had them went away after a wash weeks later. Which leads me to believe its polish residue.

After I see them I wipe the area with more IPA or OPC 3:1, and even Erasor but they're still there. They only go away later on after the wash.. My question is, during a correction I wait till the end of each polishing step to IPA. Should I be doing that after each panel?

Feed back please
What kind of paint were they. I havve had problems with D300 on a 2000 Lexus but I applied Eraser immediately after compounding and no mo residue.

VW 91
11-22-2011, 10:49 PM
The first one was a 1997 BMW M3, and most recently a black G8 GT. The pontiac had soft clear if that makes a difference.

VW 91
11-25-2011, 05:00 PM
Anyone else?