View Full Version : Difference bt DG 501 and 105

11-21-2011, 08:17 AM
I know 501 has more cleaning ability then 105 but what about shine, gloss and durability?
For those of you who top the 601/501 with 601/105 do you notice more shine and gloss? Does adding the 601/105 add more durability?

Just trying to figure out if I need the 105 or will 501 do a good enough job.


Larry A
11-21-2011, 10:02 AM
501 has more cleaners in it . It will last almost as long as 105. For a daily driver Id go with 501. For a one step on different cars Id also go for 501. A lot of people like to put on 2 coats for even coverage , it would make sense to make the second coat 105 becaust 501 will take off the first coat 501.

11-21-2011, 10:46 AM
Almost as long as 105? 501 was designed for harsh enviroments, boats and RV's. Being submerged in water, algae, over exposer to UV's and such. 501 on a car will easily last 6 months by itself

11-21-2011, 11:48 AM
I just did a car this weekend which was a prep for sale job. They did not want to spend much and did not have a lot of time. I used DG 601/105/501 combo as an AIO as I only had 3 hours. Results fantastic, cleaned very well, slick and glossy. Owner could not believe the difference in a rather dull JB BMW. Mind you not much in correction but the clean up and protection looks great. It was 1 part 601/2 parts 105/2 parts 501. I'd have loved to have the time to top with 845 but the owner wanted the car back right away.

I've used both 501 and 105 on their own but this worked insanely well. When I get the boats out next season I think the preseason polish will be 601/501/105 but 1/3/1 in that order for that harsher environment.

11-21-2011, 05:02 PM
I know 501 has more cleaning ability then 105 but what about shine, gloss and durability?
For those of you who top the 601/501 with 601/105 do you notice more shine and gloss? Does adding the 601/105 add more durability?

Just trying to figure out if I need the 105 or will 501 do a good enough job.


The 501 is fine by itself. I top it with 105 b/c I have it and I want another layer of protection. 501 is a very underrated product. Use it and I guarantee you'll be amazed.

11-21-2011, 05:09 PM
The 501 is fine by itself. I top it with 105 b/c I have it and I want another layer of protection. 501 is a very underrated product. Use it and I guarantee you'll be amazed.

Cannot agree more!

Anyone thinking of using these just try them!If you are not happy with the products after giving them a honest try Pm me....I will buy them from you!!!!!!!!!


11-21-2011, 08:24 PM
Thanx for all the responses