View Full Version : Can anyone tell me what body shops do in terms of paint?

11-20-2011, 08:34 PM
So I had hit a deer about a week ago and now the car is in the body shop. I went to check on it yesterday, they where unfortunately already closed, and this is what the car looked like. Can any one tell me what they are doing to the paint right now? Not trying to criticize them, just curious. If any of you have had experience with cars that have been through body shops, do you have to wait before detailing it again? I had read somewhere that they also use clear coat and 'bake' at high temperatures. First time with a car in a body shop and kinda curious what they do with the paint jobs for replacement parts.

11-20-2011, 08:55 PM
They are sanding the paint and getting ready to prime the paint and take it to the paint booth.

11-20-2011, 10:22 PM
Some higher end paint places will bake it one but I would say most places don't bake it on. I would wait 30-90 days to polish or wax the paint. But you can use a glaze on it in the mean time. The glaze will let the paint outgas during the curing process. I love you signature BTW, I wish my girlfriend would do that lol

Flash Gordon
11-20-2011, 10:41 PM
So I had hit a deer about a week ago and now the car is in the body shop. I went to check on it yesterday, they where unfortunately already closed, and this is what the car looked like. Can any one tell me what they are doing to the paint right now? Not trying to criticize them, just curious. If any of you have had experience with cars that have been through body shops, do you have to wait before detailing it again? I had read somewhere that they also use clear coat and 'bake' at high temperatures. First time with a car in a body shop and kinda curious what they do with the paint jobs for replacement parts.

If their closed, their not doing anything to your paint right now IMO :)

After you get your car back, you can start polishing immediately IMO. No need to wait the 30,60 or 90 days as some suggest IMO

I think most bodyshops would hope you NEVER detail your car again, as you might find one of their mistakes IMO ;)

11-20-2011, 10:57 PM
Looking at the picture your car is still in the paint "prep" mode....looks like the repairs have been made and they are gearing up for it to hit the paint booth.

11-20-2011, 11:03 PM
You CAN polish, but you can't wax/seal the paint during the curing process. That will mess with the curing process of the paint. You you polish the paint and don't wax/seal it of the duration of the curing time there is a good chance some type of defect will happen to the paint so thats why I suggest waiting to polish the paint until time of wax/seal