View Full Version : AG apps for iPad

11-17-2011, 12:06 PM
Hi AG Online.

I think the two apps you have in the Apple Store are great. That said, using the 2x zoom 'feature' to maximize viewing space on an iPad is, well, not wonderful.

Any chance iPad versions (specifically takign advantage of the larger screen) will be available anytime soon?

Thanks -


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11-17-2011, 03:51 PM
Thats what I'm saying.

11-17-2011, 04:22 PM
If your ipad is jailbroken then there is a great app in the Cydia market called RetinaPad which takes iPod apps and blows them up to iPad screen res without making them blurry like when you just click on the 2x button.

Just to give you an example, here is what a post looks like in the regular app blown up to 2x.

With RetinaPad it clears up the loss in resolution on things like text and other areas so it looks like it was made to be that big. It works on other apps as well.

Anyway, if your iPad is jailbroken then it is worth looking into. I wish they would just build some of this stuff in from the beginning, but that is what Cydia is for I guess. :) I can't remember how much that particular app cost because it removes that part once you purchase it. I think it was like three bucks or something. Not more than five.