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02-17-2007, 08:36 PM
Is there any significant difference between Souveran's liquid and paste form wax?

02-17-2007, 09:20 PM
I was surprised to find out that there actually is...well at least I think so. The paste Souveran is good for darker colors it works really good on black or red color vehicles. Gives the paint more depth and give it that wet look.

As for liquid Souveran, I've used on my silver SUV and it makes the paint pop. I didn't believe that silver and white (light colors in general) are harder to make the paint pop or give it that wet look. After using the liquid Souveran I noticed a big difference on the silver color paint.

Others here have used it on white color vehicles and say they like the depth it gives.

This is just my opinion, I think other members (more experienced members) will have different opinion about it but then again maybe not.

02-17-2007, 09:27 PM
Pretty much what Nica said is what I've heard. I also believe Liquid lats a little longer. Both are supposed to be very easy to use.

I have two tubs of paste Souveran on the way and I'm excited to use it on my white Mustang.

Mike T
02-17-2007, 10:17 PM
I just applied my 2nd coat of Souveran paste. I've been a regular user of liquid Souveran, and CM. Their is in fact a difference. Paste has a very warm, deep reflective effect, although I was surprised in the deterioration of slickness after wash (I use NXT wash) Since applying the 1st coat a week before. I found Liquid to have more of a mirror effect. I applied the 2nd coat of paste just before sundown so I couldn't catch the light, so tomorrow I will be able to see what effect if any, the 2nd layer achieved.

02-17-2007, 10:32 PM
Liquid works well on all colors, designed for silver, and light colors.
Paste is designed for blacks and reds, and makes color soaking wet.

02-17-2007, 10:35 PM
I have a red truck and a metallic black coupe; paste it will be.


02-17-2007, 10:43 PM
I just applied my 2nd coat of Souveran paste. I've been a regular user of liquid Souveran, and CM. Their is in fact a difference. Paste has a very warm, deep reflective effect, although I was surprised in the deterioration of slickness after wash (I use NXT wash) Since applying the 1st coat a week before. I found Liquid to have more of a mirror effect. I applied the 2nd coat of paste just before sundown so I couldn't catch the light, so tomorrow I will be able to see what effect if any, the 2nd layer achieved.

From what I read, NXT wash seems to strip down the wax more than most car washes. I use it during my strip down period.

Mike T
02-17-2007, 11:40 PM
If thats the case, sucks for me. Anyone else here this before?

02-17-2007, 11:58 PM
If thats the case, sucks for me. Anyone else here this before?

Yep, I think there were actually a few threads on it. I too use NXT to help strip down previous wax.

02-18-2007, 12:02 AM
From what I read, NXT wash seems to strip down the wax more than most car washes. I use it during my strip down period.
add a couple ounces of Poorboy's bug squash to it during strip down period.
That's what I use.

02-18-2007, 12:03 AM
I only use NXT when I'm stripping down, pretty harsh on wax compared to Poorboys, Duragloss etc washes. When I would use it, slickness was gone and beading became more blobby, has some strong cleaning agents which is why is cleans so well compared to most.

02-18-2007, 10:28 AM
Souvern paste is the king of the hill when it comes to carnauba waxes. It was designed without cost so it includes the best ingredients. It works best on reds, blacks, and yellows but make no mistake it can be used on all colors with great success. Very rich , wet, and shows alot of depth.

Souveran Liquid was designed as a wax where you could do the entire car, and then remove. It was also designed with polymer technology to offer brighter look to all finishes and some additional reflection. It is more durable than Souveran Paste.

Souveran Spray Wax is the newest offering and is a booster type product for all Pinnacle Waxes. Originally Crystal Mist was the offering but was changed to more of a qd'er to truly envelope the entire line.

02-18-2007, 10:35 AM
I simply love Liquid Souveran. Goes on so smooth and easy. Takes very little product too. I'm actually going to be using both the liquid and past on my truck this week. I will be using the spray as well!

Here's the process she will be getting.......
Pinnacle Twins
Pinnacle Liquid Souveran.......wait a day after applying.
Pinnacle Souveran Paste.......wait another day.
Pinnacle Soveran Spray Wax.......drive to Detail Fest and blind everyone on the road!

Wonder if Ole Yeller will get noticed?

02-18-2007, 10:52 AM
Souvern paste is the king of the hill when it comes to carnauba waxes. It was designed without cost so it includes the best ingredients. It works best on reds, blacks, and yellows but make no mistake it can be used on all colors with great success.

:iagree: with Killr. My wife's white Maxima with flake in it has four coats of Souveran paste. Looks awesome. I'm going to try LS next strip down for comparison, but tough to imagine it being too much better.

02-18-2007, 12:32 PM
I have a couple waxes so don't need anymore, but I keep finding myself drawn to Liquid Souveran to try, especially for our lighter colored vehicles.