View Full Version : Leather seat cappuccino spill

11-06-2011, 06:12 PM
I spilled about 10oz of cinnimon nut cappuccino in my passenger's seat of my 240sx last monday. It did have a seat cover on it. I got it home about 15 min or so later and removed the cover. Immediately wiped the seat down with a damp cloth and cleaned the whole front of the seat several times with DP interior cleaner. The seat had been treated with leatherique oil/prest clean about a month prior to this. The seat didn't stain at all but there is still a heavy odor from the drink. I cleaned it again with DP yesterday and sprayed febreze. Also cleaned the carpet and vacuumed it out in case but didn't notice anything on it. I wonder if the inside of the seat is ruined. If it got below the leather and it soaked into the foam or whatever. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks

11-06-2011, 07:35 PM
Let this be a lesson, don't drink and drive. Ok had to get that out of the way first.

Does it just smell like the drink or like the drink gone bad? Is the leather perforated/have any cracks in it?

11-06-2011, 07:46 PM
no there are no cracks in the seat. Its in very good condition. I have kept it with leatherique for the last 10 yrs. i guess it just smells like the drink. The drink had been in the car for almost two days. I put it in the center console.. They were out of small cups so had to get one that was taller so I forgot how high it was sticking up and hit it when I went to try to get my bag in the seat. So there u go. No more drink or food ever in the car!