View Full Version : black 2002 Camaro SS

11-01-2011, 08:40 PM
I bought a 2002 Camaro SS (black) that had all kinds of scratches...some were the real fine circular scratches and some were real long fine scratches running vertically or horizontally on the panels.

So I bought a Porter Cable, 2 orange pads, 1 white pad, and Meguiars Ultimate Compound (that's what was recommended to me at the local auto detail supply store.) This evening I used the PC and orange pads with the Ultimate Compound on the hood, fenders, and doors. The result, I think, was really great - I got nearly all of the circular and long scratches out (I used 3 passes, wiped off the residue, and did 3 passes again.) However, the finish is not quite as sharp as what I see detailers on this forum get.

The question is what I should do as a next step to get the paint looking clear. I'm figuring:
- use the Ultimate Compound with the white pad same as I did with the orange pad
- use a different product with the white pad (open to suggestions...would seem that the Ultimate Polish from Meguiars would be the logical next product step but I'll buy anything that is highly recommended.)


11-01-2011, 08:43 PM
Meguiars M205 polish. Use it with a white pad and your paint will look incredible.

11-01-2011, 08:50 PM
You can use the M205 but if you need to get something locally use the Ultimate polish on the white pad and your finnish will be much crisper.

Both are almost the same product. But the UP has more polishing oils in it.

11-01-2011, 10:09 PM
I can get the 205 locally...only issue is they only have it in the 128 oz. and 8 oz. sizes...seems like 8 should be enough for a whole car. So that's what I'll do and thank you for the advice!
