View Full Version : What a shame...

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Wraith SRT
10-30-2011, 10:31 AM
That this forum/moderators are one sided - detailers and not the actual clients of them. I'm thinking that the person/people that moved/deleted this thread:

Moved: Should I Pay For This or Not?? (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/showthread.php?t=42283)

either A) Could not handle the harse truth that not every detailer is an honest, customer oriented business owner

B) did not like the fact that since one of their long time, good buddy forum members opened a thread about a customer experience...got all the facts wrong, had part of the community bashing the client - and then the actual customer/victim of said forum member logged on and told the entire, factual story in where better than half the community opened their eyes and saw the truth.

C) do not believe in the 1st amendment rights, especially if none "Forum Rules" were violated.

Sorry - truth hurts and some are incapable of coping with it. What a name this gives this type of community and I'll be sure to pass it along.

Last thing, thanks to all of you who were intelligent and mature enough to realize and see for yourself both sides of the story. I am sorry that you had to read through all the information provided by myself and Shine Time Detail / Tom and see all the BS one has to deal with when dealing with a faulty service provider. Many of you will experience this in other faucets of your life and it is nice to know that in this electronic age, perpetrators cannot get away with slighting their clients (verbally that is, I am still out $$) as there are outlets like this for the truth to be told.

Thank you for your time.

10-30-2011, 11:43 AM
Your thread was probably moved/locked to keep this one of the more civil forums on the internet. No forum I know of tolerates flame wars and a judgement was evidently made that the earlier discussion was heading (or was) there.

I saw part of the thread yesterday, and all I can say is there are 2 sides to every story. Mistakes happen and sometimes an amicable solution is hard to reach. When (not if) something goes bad for me, I hope I deal with it in a professional way. That doesn't necessarily mean giving the customer 100% of what they want, but trying to reach that amicable settlement where both are satisfied.

Good luck to you, Sir.

10-30-2011, 11:51 AM
That's too bad that the thread got moved, although I'm not surprised. It had a lot of potential to turn into an ugly spectacle, and I'm sure nobody in the Autogeek community wants to see that. We like to try to keep things friendly around here for the most part, even if we do have our bad apples. That being said, I do hope you will stick around. Lots of other great members here willing to share information should you choose to do your detailing yourself. It really can be a satisfying experience. Sorry you joined under such unfortunate circumstances, but welcome to Autogeek Online! :welcome:

tuscarora dave
10-30-2011, 12:54 PM
I too welcome you to the site. Having a black car especially a cool car like a Challenger, you'll have to practice a certain amount of technique to keep it in great shape. Technique that can easily be learned here at Autogeekonline.net.

I have seen this type of situation unfold here on this site before where a detailer solicits opinions from the online community about a problem that in my opinion should be kept between the two parties involved. In the past it never turned out good either. I believe there is a time and a place to air such situations. Airing out such situations in a public forum for the whole world to see is certainly a great way to generate bad word of mouth and negative publicity.

I hope you get what you need concerning the continued care of a really cool car. I am sure a lot of folks will learn something from this unfortunate set of circumstances. There's always a positive side to every negative situation. Let's hope that we can all embrace the positive side and grow in the right direction through the negative consequences.

10-30-2011, 01:07 PM
Maybe some are confused or do not know our forums rules,I know we have a lot of new forum members so it is understandable. So I will post them here just so we are all on the same page. Just going to high light some that might pertain to the thread in question.

Forum Rules

1. The purpose of Autogeekonline.net is for detailing discussion, providing a place for likeminded auto "Geeks" to share knowledge and partake in fellowship. Since AutogeekOnline is exclusively sponsored by Autogeek.net, product discussion should be limited to products that are available from Autogeek.net and PBMA's family of websites. Links to competing companies and products that are not available through Autogeek.net will be deleted. Repeated linking and discussion of products not available through us may result in a permanent ban. Moderators have the right to edit any posts that contain links or other information pertaining to competing companies that are not associated with Autogeek.net.

2. No arguing with Moderators or Administrators.

3. You are welcome to disagree but you must be polite.

4. No bashing any company or their products. No bashing other people. If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all, this also includes talking to others in a demeaning manner. REMEMBER this forum is here for those that are new to detailing and those that have been doing this for years. We expect that you treat everyone with respect no matter what their level of detailing is. We all had to start somewhere.

5. Forum Nicknames and Avatars must be family friendly, they cannot even hint towards anything raunchy, sleazy, sexual or inappropriate. When in doubt we will err on the side of caution and ask you to choose a different Avatar or Nickname.

6. E-mail addresses cannot be used as a forum nickname.

7. If any thread gets off topic it will be at the discretion of the moderator to close and/or move it to moderators corner.

8. Keep language "G Rated", this includes insinuations. If you wouldn't say it in front of your grandparents, your parents or your children, then you shouldn't probably be posting to the AutogeekOnline forum.

9. Self-promoting clickable links are not allowed in your posts. Detailers can put a link to their company in their signature, as long as they are not selling anything but their services.

10. Moderators have the right to move any thread that does not follow within the AGO rules to moderators corner.

11. Only one account per member! The only conceivable reason for multiple accounts would be for fraudulent activity. You will be banned for this action immediately.

12. Continuously breaking the rules to disrupt the online community will result in you being banned from the forum.

13. No Commercial sales, personal sales or samples from competing companies. One post trying to promote and you will have banned yourself permanently. This is a private forum not an open forum, no links to outside companies.

14. All messages posted to AutogeekOnline become the property of Autogeek.net. and may not be deleted without first obtaining permission.

15. No personal attacks toward members or non-members will be tolerated.

If you have any further questions please feel free to call me tomorrow morning at the office and I will be happy to speak to you about this.
Thank you and everyone enjoy their Sunday!

Flash Gordon
10-30-2011, 03:13 PM
Maybe some are confused or do not know our forums rules,I know we have a lot of new forum members so it is understandable. So I will post them here just so we are all on the same page. Just going to high light some that might pertain to the thread in question.

Forum Rules

1. The purpose of Autogeekonline.net is for detailing discussion, providing a place for likeminded auto "Geeks" to share knowledge and partake in fellowship. Since AutogeekOnline is exclusively sponsored by Autogeek.net, product discussion should be limited to products that are available from Autogeek.net and PBMA's family of websites. Links to competing companies and products that are not available through Autogeek.net will be deleted. Repeated linking and discussion of products not available through us may result in a permanent ban. Moderators have the right to edit any posts that contain links or other information pertaining to competing companies that are not associated with Autogeek.net.

2. No arguing with Moderators or Administrators.

3. You are welcome to disagree but you must be polite.

4. No bashing any company or their products. No bashing other people. If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all, this also includes talking to others in a demeaning manner. REMEMBER this forum is here for those that are new to detailing and those that have been doing this for years. We expect that you treat everyone with respect no matter what their level of detailing is. We all had to start somewhere.

5. Forum Nicknames and Avatars must be family friendly, they cannot even hint towards anything raunchy, sleazy, sexual or inappropriate. When in doubt we will err on the side of caution and ask you to choose a different Avatar or Nickname.

6. E-mail addresses cannot be used as a forum nickname.

7. If any thread gets off topic it will be at the discretion of the moderator to close and/or move it to moderators corner.

8. Keep language "G Rated", this includes insinuations. If you wouldn't say it in front of your grandparents, your parents or your children, then you shouldn't probably be posting to the AutogeekOnline forum.

9. Self-promoting clickable links are not allowed in your posts. Detailers can put a link to their company in their signature, as long as they are not selling anything but their services.

10. Moderators have the right to move any thread that does not follow within the AGO rules to moderators corner.

11. Only one account per member! The only conceivable reason for multiple accounts would be for fraudulent activity. You will be banned for this action immediately.

12. Continuously breaking the rules to disrupt the online community will result in you being banned from the forum.

13. No Commercial sales, personal sales or samples from competing companies. One post trying to promote and you will have banned yourself permanently. This is a private forum not an open forum, no links to outside companies.

14. All messages posted to AutogeekOnline become the property of Autogeek.net. and may not be deleted without first obtaining permission.

15. No personal attacks toward members or non-members will be tolerated.

If you have any further questions please feel free to call me tomorrow morning at the office and I will be happy to speak to you about this.
Thank you and everyone enjoy their Sunday!

I've never seen these before. Thanks Meghan! :dblthumb2:

10-30-2011, 03:39 PM
I've never seen these before. Thanks Meghan! :dblthumb2:

Hey, Flash:
If you ever go to Vegas, I would recommend you do not gamble. ;)


10-30-2011, 04:03 PM
I've never seen these before. Thanks Meghan! :dblthumb2:

9. Self-promoting clickable links are not allowed in your posts. Detailers can put a link to their company in their signature, as long as they are not selling anything but their services

Not sure but I think Flash is going to have to remove/revise his signature line...I think its in violation.

1.800.4ST.JUDE www.stjude.org/donate (http://www.stjude.org/donate) 1.800.4ST.JUDE

10-30-2011, 05:30 PM
Not sure but I think Flash is going to have to remove/revise his signature line...I think its in violation.

1.800.4ST.JUDE www.stjude.org/donate (http://www.stjude.org/donate) 1.800.4ST.JUDE

I hope you're using sarcasm here

Kaleb G.
10-30-2011, 05:43 PM
I hope you're using sarcasm here


10-30-2011, 05:47 PM
Welcome to the forums. Sorry you had to join because of this circumstance. I didn't get to read that thread but hope everything works out.

10-30-2011, 06:00 PM

humm, ok, i am using sarcasm...thanks for noticing!



Wraith SRT
10-30-2011, 06:21 PM
Thank you all - very polite. Thanks again for the comments on the car...very much appreciated. I understand that people take passion in certain things and detailing is yours - I thoroughly believe it is an artform. Heck, I would rather pull the engine out of my Challenger, tear it down and rebuild it before I would undergo trying to detail the exterior myself - hence the reason I pay for this type of service.

Unfortunately, there are individuals that take advantage of others like myself and try to pass themselves off as "one of the good guys"...this is exactly what happened in my case. I agree that if you cannot say something nice, do not say it...I never said anything not nice in my posts - only presented truth...but then again, the truth hurts sometimes and is mis-construed as "not being nice".

What I find ironic with the removal of the thread is that the all the rules Meghan posted were followed...even though I would love to flip out at any time. The comical part is, that the post was 6 or 7 pages deep before I got on and told the true side of the story...within a day, the post was deleted. Prior to my postings, there were wise individuals providing good advice (one has already responded in this post) and other individuals that were throwing me under the bus...me, the client who paid for a service and got in return over $800 in damages from the service. After I stated my facts and up until the relocation/deletion/lock of said thread, I feel the truth had very quickly swayed all who saw it. Maybe not, but that's what I came away with...

Do I expect everyone to feel sorry for me and take my side, heck no - we're dealing with human nature. Why should they, I am someone who came in merely to review what was being said and "shook the walls" a little. I am not, nor will I ever be a detailer - I leave that to the true professionals whom I would / will gladly pay to do it. Now, I have been seen a time or two washing a car...allegedly:xyxthumbs:

10-30-2011, 06:33 PM
unfortunately posts like the first one often go on far to long and a lynch mob can insue from one side or the other. I did NOT close the original thread but would have considered it especially when all the other comments came into play which are not always from the original parties.

The forum is not here to decide the merits of or losses that can come from one forum member or company. It is best to allow both sides to deal with the issue offsite or outside of public forum. As often is the case, their are three sides to each story. When it becomes public each forum member should have an opportunity to share their side and thoughts. It is best then locked and allowed to be resolved between the original parties. A followup post can be and often will be allowed when appropriate to allow the forum to understand the resolve or lack of it as appropriate. (this is done by soliciting a mod or admin thru PM's)

I would just remind all, this forum was designed to use, promote, and help Autogeek clients and their products. It doesnt really have the power to police business policies, ethics, and more that happen outside this environment. Locking posts, deleting posts, and warnings are very hard to explain and often done as a best judgement and not always exact or fair. I dont believe anyone intentionally locked the original post, but likely did so to control what appeared to be moving in another fashion.

10-30-2011, 07:05 PM
Thank you all - very polite. Thanks again for the comments on the car...very much appreciated. I understand that people take passion in certain things and detailing is yours - I thoroughly believe it is an artform. Heck, I would rather pull the engine out of my Challenger, tear it down and rebuild it before I would undergo trying to detail the exterior myself - hence the reason I pay for this type of service.

Unfortunately, there are individuals that take advantage of others like myself and try to pass themselves off as "one of the good guys"...this is exactly what happened in my case. I agree that if you cannot say something nice, do not say it...I never said anything not nice in my posts - only presented truth...but then again, the truth hurts sometimes and is mis-construed as "not being nice".

What I find ironic with the removal of the thread is that the all the rules Meghan posted were followed...even though I would love to flip out at any time. The comical part is, that the post was 6 or 7 pages deep before I got on and told the true side of the story...within a day, the post was deleted. Prior to my postings, there were wise individuals providing good advice (one has already responded in this post) and other individuals that were throwing me under the bus...me, the client who paid for a service and got in return over $800 in damages from the service. After I stated my facts and up until the relocation/deletion/lock of said thread, I feel the truth had very quickly swayed all who saw it. Maybe not, but that's what I came away with...

Do I expect everyone to feel sorry for me and take my side, heck no - we're dealing with human nature. Why should they, I am someone who came in merely to review what was being said and "shook the walls" a little. I am not, nor will I ever be a detailer - I leave that to the true professionals whom I would / will gladly pay to do it. Now, I have been seen a time or two washing a car...allegedly:xyxthumbs:

Welcome to AGO

I thought you acted respectfully with your first few posts on the other thread, but I didn't see it after that so not sure what went on after that. After all, it may not have been your posts that caused it to be deleted but another members (not blaming anyone as I didn't visit the forum again until now after first reading that thread).

I'm sure that as you read though the many threads on this site you will feel more comfortable to tackle your own detailing and probably end up bitten by the detailing bug like the rest of us.

The great thing about this forum is that you can ask questions freely, we don't have members who constantly say "it's been discussed before" or "use the search". One of the many reasons this is my primary detailing forum is due to the quality of discussion that goes on here.