View Full Version : Website critique please?

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10-27-2011, 03:31 AM
Just created a website! Excited about it! It's VERY basic at this point, but it's a start! Check it out and let me know what you think. All comments welcome.

DugDug's Mobile Detailing (http://www.dugdugsdetailing.com)

Jack Barnhill
10-27-2011, 06:22 AM
I'm not an expert on web design but, the last word in the 3rd paragraph is misspelled, "vehicles".

Also, I've read and re-read this several times and can't understand what it is supposed to be telling me, "keep you on the journey for your style of wellness".

Just my $.02.

Good luck with your business.

Flash Gordon
10-27-2011, 08:45 AM
I'm not an expert on web design but, the last word in the 3rd paragraph is misspelled, "vehicles".

Also, I've read and re-read this several times and can't understand what it is supposed to be telling me, "keep you on the journey for your style of wellness".

Just my $.02.

Good luck with your business.


10-27-2011, 10:17 AM
Great start. I would suggest before and after pictures. Also, the picture of the car next to the mailbox with the crooked rectangle blocking out the tag number needs to go. I also wonder if explaining the "two bucket" wash method needs to be explained somewhere. People need to know you are taking great measures to protect the second most expensive purchase most people make.

10-27-2011, 12:03 PM
First thing I would do is create a separate page for the "request information" block. Make a Contact Us page. That way it doesn't dominate the home page. My eyes were drawn directly to that first thing.

With your home page in black and white mainly, 1 or 2 finished product car pictures would stand out amazingly. Especially a couple with color. The eyes would be directly drawn to them and let people know exactly what they are dealing with.

Your packages page is missing a title, it just says Blank on the tab.

And as was previously said, I would add another page to describe your process. No need to state products used by name, but something along the lines of using state of the art polishes/latest technology eliminating the swirls from your car. And have 50/50 shots. Also explaining what interior dressing means, what your 2 bucket method is and the advantage it offers. It would also allow you to explain why someone needs to pay almost $200 for a "car wash"

Just a few suggestions. Good luck.

10-27-2011, 12:53 PM
I'm not an expert on web design but, the last word in the 3rd paragraph is misspelled, "vehicles".

Also, I've read and re-read this several times and can't understand what it is supposed to be telling me, "keep you on the journey for your style of wellness".

Just my $.02.

Good luck with your business.

That was part of the template for the website lol Ill be taking that out.

Mobile detail
10-27-2011, 04:07 PM
Hey dug dug,
Not being critical at all just giving my honest constructive opinion so please don't take offense. Your web site is a good start but needs some"pop". The first thing I notice is your phone number up top is very small and difficult to find. Granted I'm looking at your site on my phone but it should be the easiest thing to find.

When you list your packages, I'm a little confused as to what the differences are between them. one thing I do is is say vip includes the deluxe with the addition of polishing and blah blah blah. It's hard to tell what each package is. Also I would go in more detail on your package descriptions. I had to reread it a few times to figure it the differences as well as the descriptions. Your web site is what sells your service and you have the ability to go in more detail. Do it!

I would add more pictures, especially 50/50 shots and better head light restore pics.my selling point personally wouldn't be about rinseless washes on my home page, most people are fearful and dont know/care about it.

L Iike said it's a great start! I would snoop around other detailing web sites of members on ag and get some ideas. Good luck!

10-27-2011, 06:16 PM
Thank you guys for taking your time out and giving me some good advice. In the next few days I will be implementing most if not all of your suggestions. I don't have many before and after pics, but as I progress I will be adding more.

10-28-2011, 06:29 AM
Ok updated the page!

10-28-2011, 06:39 AM
I do plan on adding more before and after pictures and adding more descriptions of my methods. Going to jazz up the facebook button and Work on creating a video and adding that to the main page.

Again, thank you guys for your suggestions and opinions. I highly value them and take them into great consideration.

If you have any more tips and critigues, please feel free to let me know!!

10-28-2011, 06:52 AM
I notice on the main page and about us page it says, "Wichita are"...simple letter missing.

Also under about us. I would omit the "!" after best and convenient - Just add it to the end of the sentence maybe, or stick with a simple period.

Under your services Deluxe Detail, "shampo" is missing an "o".

You got a great start with the photos, but I too would like more 50/50's. Also, I feel like some of the photos are dark feeling with the shadows in them (both the interior and exterior ones). In the future remember after photos are about light.

10-28-2011, 10:03 AM
Notice on the services page you have Clay baring, I am pretty sure that should be barring. Or you could drop the -ing and just say Clay Bar. No need to add the -ing to it. Just explain what it does.

But the site looks a lot better. Looks cleaner and flows a bit better.

Keep up the good work!

10-28-2011, 10:03 AM
Since you have received a number of pieces of input regarding pictures, layout and text...I will throw in some info about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Just a quick example and from this you can extend the idea for other sections like "about", "pictures" etc. For the services page it would be more effective if you create a sub folder called services with an "html" page for each service and an improved page title:
Page Title: "Basic Wash, Dry And Detail Service - DugDug's Mobile Detailing"

Title: "Deluxe Wash, Dry And Detail Service - DugDug's Mobile Detailing"

I would keep the info you currently have on the Services page for these new pages, but I would feature, enlarge and extend the appropriate section for each page. (e.g. for the "deluxe_wash_dry_detail.html" page you would move "Deluxe" to the top and extend the description while making the others smaller, less descriptive and possibly moving off to the side, but the title of each of these side items should link to its appropriate page)

This improves your word usage in the most important areas which are the page's url and the page's title.

Finally...get a header or footer that contains your location (at least city and state) for every page...

10-28-2011, 11:05 AM
The site is a great start as mentioned before but definitely needs some tweaking.

On your most expensive package it is mentioned that "The VIP Detail package includes the Basic and Deluxe detail plus a high speed machine application of a high quality carnauba wax to remove light scratches, swirls and other imperfections on paint surfaces."

How do you remove scratches, swirls and imperfections using a wax? If anything you could cover them but applying a wax is not paint correction.

10-28-2011, 02:10 PM
I thought I mentioned using a polisher within that sentence. If not, ill add that back. Later tonight ill be changing the site. Thx guys