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10-19-2011, 07:35 AM
So...I get very random thoughts all the time...and after working with the Meg's MF system over the weekend, I started thinking about the dusting that I was seeing with this system. I started thinking about wearing a mask when I am performing paint correction.

While doing some searching on this forum about another random thought I had (wearing a back brace while detailing), I came across this thread....its an old one, but I wanted to rekindle it. I am going to be picking up some 3M particle masks that were recommended by the OP from this thread...

So back to my question...who here wears masks while doing paint corrections?

10-19-2011, 07:45 AM
I wear a mask when I'm doing certain things. But correction is not one of them.

10-19-2011, 07:50 AM
Only time I do is when I'm using wheel acid. I'm sure there are other times I should, but I don't.

10-19-2011, 07:54 AM
Very Rarely I do, ear protection is also something you should consider especially if using a DA .

10-19-2011, 07:55 AM
Very Rarely I do, ear protection is also something you should consider especially if using a DA .
I've never wore ear protection, and even at 26 I'm regretting it now. I can say for sure I can't hear as well now as I could when I was 16.

10-19-2011, 08:03 AM
Yeah I need to get some ear protection as well. When I was a teenager, and I had my POS Ford Probe, I was one of those wanna be cool guys that drove around with the trunk thumping. I still have ringing in my ear. Its not as bad as it was then, but I regret it to this day.

Setec Astronomy
10-19-2011, 08:19 AM
Kudos to you guys for mentioning the hearing protection, loud bars and weddings are just as bad though.

I have only played with my MF pads a little bit, but other than some loose fibers coming off I didn't consider it dusty, and I thought one of the key features of the system was that it didn't dust?

10-19-2011, 08:28 AM
Kudos to you guys for mentioning the hearing protection, loud bars and weddings are just as bad though.

I have only played with my MF pads a little bit, but other than some loose fibers coming off I didn't consider it dusty, and I thought one of the key features of the system was that it didn't dust?

I know right...I took advantage of ALOT of things as a teenager...my lungs-smoked since freshman year in high school. I quit 3 years ago-its been the hardest thing I've ever done in life. I still think about smoking almost every day. My hearing-had a very loud system in the car.

As far as the dusting goes...thats what I thought too but yeah...it dusted.

10-19-2011, 08:33 AM
I know right...I took advantage of ALOT of things as a teenager...my lungs-smoked since freshman year in high school. I quit 3 years ago-its been the hardest thing I've ever done in life. I still think about smoking almost every day. My hearing-had a very loud system in the car.

As far as the dusting goes...thats what I thought too but yeah...it dusted.
I smoked for 5 years and quite two years ago now. I still have a cigar ever once in a while, but not very often. The only time I really miss it is when I'm sitting at a bar drinking. BUT since you can't smoke in bars here anymore it's not that bad. Congrats on staying smoke free for so long!

10-19-2011, 08:37 AM
I smoked for 5 years and quite two years ago now. I still have a cigar ever once in a while, but not very often. The only time I really miss it is when I'm sitting at a bar drinking. BUT since you can't smoke in barshere anymore it's not that bad. Congrats on staying smoke free for so long!

Congrats to you as well man. Anytime a kid asks me to buy him cigarettes I say no. I wish I had better role models when I was younger. I will be honest and say that most of the times I think about smoking I miss it. But that only lasts a few minutes. And yeah...you're right...you gotta go to the moon to have a square now-a-days. And when I quit, I also quit drinking as much. I tried to minmize alot of my associations with smoking. Only recently I've had a cigar a few times. I have one more at the house that I plan on smoking but I think I'm calling it quits after that. I've had more and more urges to smoke a cigar now.

10-19-2011, 08:40 AM
Back to my original topic...I'm putting a challenge out there....I challenge each and every one of you guys and gals to go out and buy some ear protection and masks. I plan on getting these this weekend...

Shop 3M Tri-Flange Reusable Corded Earplugs at Lowes.com (http://www.lowes.com/pd_74540-98-90586-80025_0__?productId=3102561&Ntt=ear+protection&pl=1&currentURL=%2Fpl__0__s%3FNtt%3Dear%2Bprotection&facetInfo=#BVRRWidgetID)

Shop 3M N95 Particulate Safety Mask Respirator at Lowes.com (http://www.lowes.com/pd_69110-98-8210_0__?catalogId=10051&productId=1097803&UserSearch=3m+product+%238210+particulate+respirat or+&Ntt=3m+product+%238210+particulate+respirator+&N=0&langId=-1&storeId=10151&rpp=24)

**AG doesn't sell any of these so I figured it was ok to include the link**

So whose up for the challenge?!?!?!?!

Setec Astronomy
10-19-2011, 08:41 AM
As far as the dusting goes...thats what I thought too but yeah...it dusted.

Is that maybe part of the problem you had, you used too much product? This is not a complaint I remember hearing about this system.

10-19-2011, 08:41 AM
Congrats to you as well man. Anytime a kid asks me to buy him cigarettes I say no. I wish I had better role models when I was younger. I will be honest and say that most of the times I think about smoking I miss it. But that only lasts a few minutes. And yeah...you're right...you gotta go to the moon to have a square now-a-days. And when I quit, I also quit drinking as much. I tried to minmize alot of my associations with smoking. Only recently I've had a cigar a few times. I have one more at the house that I plan on smoking but I think I'm calling it quits after that. I've had more and more urges to smoke a cigar now.
Yeah I smoke maybe 1 cigar a month, but when I run out, I might not go buy anymore. I guess I'll have to wait and see. It's expensive to get cigars that don't suck. LOL

10-19-2011, 08:43 AM
I have some cheap "surgical masks" that I will use on occasion, but not like I should. Heck, I just did my Crew Cab Truck with 105 (which dusts pretty good) and didn't ever have a mask on.

I use hearing protection sometimes (as in ear plugs) but a lot of times too I will listen to MP3's. At least the different wavelengths give your ears breaks now and then. A constant blast on your ears is what gets them. Plus I don't turn the music up really loud, I still like to hear the machine to listen to the RPM's/load.

Something else worth mentioning is Eye Protection. It doesn't come up a lot when detailing, but cleaning some wheels and engines you can get a good splash of some not so favorable chem's to the face. Also doing any kind of undercarriage/nasty headliner cleaning where you are looking up and dirt is falling down.

I greatly value my sight and hearing, so I usually do pretty good to protect those. I suppose I just don't think about the ill long term effects of breathing in junk since it is not so obvious always.


10-19-2011, 08:44 AM
Using personal protective gear is something we all SHOULD do.

I myself am guilty of not using them.

8yrs of the Army and 8in howitzers,15 years of building and racing dirt cars,loud music has taken its toll on my hearing.