View Full Version : 2001 Jeep Cherokee - Tons of pictures

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10-17-2011, 09:21 PM
I finally finished detailing my 2001 Jeep Cherokee. This was my first complete detail. It took me WAY TOO LONG! I figure that I have about 32 hours invested. Weather, garage lighting and my process all contributed. I learned a ton and could easily strip off 10 hours next time. I ended up re-doing many things due to my process and messing up what was already finished.

Inside - Cleaned everything with 10:1 purple power and/or IPA. Shampooed seats and carpet (I had not planned on this). Applied PERL to everything I could.

Door Jambs - This took a ton of time. The one area was neglected on the Jeep. Cleaned / waxed with 845 / PERL applied to seals and plastic.

Wheels - Scrubbed and sealed with one coat BFWD and one coat 845
Tires - PERL

Exterior Seals / Plastic - PERL

Engine - Cleaned with purple power and pressure washer. Dressed with PERL.

Paint - m105, m205, BFWD, BFWD, 845, 845












10-17-2011, 09:22 PM









10-17-2011, 09:22 PM



10-17-2011, 09:32 PM
Wow, that thing is spotless. Awesome job. Doesn't even come close to looking like a 10 year old car.

It will be a breeze to maintain now. Good Job!

Garry Dean
10-17-2011, 09:32 PM
That looks absolutely fantastic! Very nice job!

10-17-2011, 09:34 PM
I've got some Purple Power (purple stuff, and not their citrus cleaner) and have been waiting and wanting to try it. I bought 2.5 gallons of it. Let me tell you what I encountered.

I went to try it the other day and when I popped the cap on the 2.5 gallon jug the aluminum foil seal was just about discentigrated. The solution inside had dang near eaten the foil away. Not ampered with, but eaten...as in dissolving the foil. Needless to say I haven't used any of it yet out of that jug.

I'm just throwing this out there as a precaution to folks. Purple Power isn't labeled as an industrial product for grins and giggles. If it'll it the foil seal it's powerful stuff for sure. Be careful using it even as strong as 10:1, especially on an interior.

If it'll disolve foil, it'll disolve paint too.

Alex Boyce
10-17-2011, 09:38 PM
The paint is not a glamours color to begin with but it sure looks nice! That has to be one of the cleanest interiors for a 2001, let alone a Jeep. Every Jeep I come across looks nothing remotely close to that on the inside or the engine bay.

Great work! It only gets easier as you do it more.

Garry Dean
10-17-2011, 10:06 PM
I've got some Purple Power (purple stuff, and not their citrus cleaner) and have been waiting and wanting to try it. I bought 2.5 gallons of it. Let me tell you what I encountered.

I went to try it the other day and when I popped the cap on the 2.5 gallon jug the aluminum foil seal was just about discentigrated. The solution inside had dang near eaten the foil away. Not ampered with, but eaten...as in dissolving the foil. Needless to say I haven't used any of it yet out of that jug.
I'm just throwing this out there as a precaution to folks. Purple Power isn't labeled as an industrial product for grins and giggles. If it'll it the foil seal it's powerful stuff for sure. Be careful using it even as strong as 10:1, especially on an interior.

If it'll disolve foil, it'll disolve paint too.

You are very correct, Bill, purple power is some nasty harsh stuff. I would not recommend it for automotive use. It drys out rubber, vinyl and plastics.

Mobile detail
10-17-2011, 10:11 PM
Looks great especially for it's age. I would love to have seen before pics. It will be so much easier to keep clean now that you invested so much time. I can't get over how clean the interior is!

10-17-2011, 10:43 PM
BRO that is amazing.. it looks better than new. Seriously great work!

10-18-2011, 10:14 AM
Thank you, everyone! I had a lot of fun doing this and learned a lot. The Jeep was in very good shape to begin with, but was in great need of a detail. The paint was very dull and had virtually no shine at all. It was covered in water spots and light scratches. The door jambs were packed with mud and hornets nests.

It honestly looks better in person. I've had a lot of great comments about how the Jeep looks now. My neighbor was in shock when he saw it. He said it looks better than new and couldn't believe it.

This Jeep is actually the reason I found AG. I had a detail shop here in Tampa do a $25 wash. I asked them if they could do anything with the paint. They machine polished a test spot for me on the hood, but it didn't look any different. I wasn't impressed, so I started searching and found AG. I am very happy with the results and thank AG and everyone here for what I've learned.

Matt S.
10-18-2011, 11:38 AM
I don't know why but I absolutely love these Jeeps. I almost bought one awhile ago...great job detailing it, it looks brand new!

10-19-2011, 04:19 AM
I don't know why but I absolutely love these Jeeps. I almost bought one awhile ago...great job detailing it, it looks brand new!

My plan is to sell it, but my son wants me to keep it and put a 4" lift on it with bigger wheels. That would be cool.

10-19-2011, 05:29 AM
It looks very good to me. The amount of time you claim may be a re-do of several areas but it sounds like it was time spent on catching up in spots previously omitted. I have done that alot. When done however there is that feeling of pride in knowing maybe 95% of others ain't as clean as this and I did it. If there is nothing wrong with that puppy mechanical wise it would be a keeper for me minus the lift and big wheels.

Flash Gordon
10-19-2011, 11:26 AM
Looks great Muscle :props:

I've been using Purple Power for over 10 years and have never had an issue with it, FWIW