View Full Version : Metalic Blue Benz 320 CLK - D300/D301 combo (pics and vid)

10-17-2011, 12:43 AM
Whats up everyone,

this was my first family member job. My cousin had seen a few of my write ups that i'd done of all the OTHER car's we've done and wanted to have us take a crack at his Benz.

When we went to go bid it, it was in a parking garage...you could see some of the damage to the paint in there but we knew regardless of its condition we were going to hook him up.

The color on this car was really cool, from one angle it looked blue, from another it looked purple. We set it up on the weekend...luckily the weather was really nice...beautiful clear and warm day (in the 90s :dblthumb2:) with a little breeze...perfect weather to do some detailing.

Products used were:

Pressure washer
Dawn Soap (to strip away any old wax, though there wasn't much!)
Wash Mitts
Megs APC
Megs APC+
Megs D300 & D301 along with 5" cutting and finishing discs
LOTS of microfiber towels
Megs #40 to dress interior
Wolfgang Tire Gel
ORN Clay lube (used for claying and for cleaning rims)
Hi Tech Magna Sponge
Lil Green Extractor w/Oxyclean
Pinnacle Leather Conditioner
Flex 3401
Griots D.A Polisher

We got there...unloaded all of our stuff ( I swear it looks like we're moving in when we unload all of our gear), got the keys and pulled it out for our first look at it in the sun....haha...yeah this was fun.

Here's what we saw:


Yeahhhhh we had a little work cut out for us.

Looked a little close and it just got worse:


*cringes* yeah...only thing worse than swirls are dirty swirls!
Its ok though, we can handle it.

Heres a look at it from a distance:


So after taking a few before pictures and a before video (Video will be posted at the end of the write up....turned out SWEET) we pulled it back in and got to work.

So we started out with knocking away most of the dirt first with a little of this:


After looking at this picture, i told my sis i looked like a damn giant...her response was "You are"...:laughing: aw she loves me so much lol.

Hit the rims with a little APC and then sprayed with the pressure washer, it knocked away most of the grime...this was before:


yeah, they were suppose to be silver lol. Had to follow up with spraying them with an ONR mix and wiping them clean with a MF towel...then dressed the tires with Wolfgang Tire Gel...they turned out rather nice


I went ahead and started doing some clay bar work and my sis started working on the interior...this was a convertible so wasn't much room for two people to work on the inside at once...


The inside was rather clean to begin with....so didn't bother with any before pictures...got a good amount of dirt out of the carpets and mats, but you couldn't really see just by looking at them. Leather came out real nice and the interior turned out looking good.

Shadows kinda threw this pic off some but, still i like this angle for convertibles :)


Next the back breaking work began. This was a small car, but it also meant lots of small areas to work on. First thing we noticed was that there was a painted panel that wasn't noticeable until the top was down (area directly behind the seats)


So we decided to knock it out first and then work on the rest of the car...the swirls on it were just as bad as anywhere else...



I decided to give the Flex a try with the Meguiars Microfiber system. I've heard people say yes and no to this...all depends upon who you ask...i wanted to find out for myself.

For ME, with THIS car..it worked just fine. I checked with the Brinkman light, in the sun and with halogens and there was no bad marring left like some people have reported. I DID set the speed pretty low (about 3 or 3.5) but it really helped when working body lines where you want the pad to keep spinning but need to put a little pressure on the edge of the pad to get good correction along those lines. A regular DA more times than not will stop spinning, and thus stop correcting the paint, either that or you have to do it by hand.

Here is what the area looked like after hitting it with the Flex along with a 5" cutting MF pad and D300 correction compound:




Lookin MUCH better.

This picture was kind of cool after we finished that area. It almost looked 3D, like you could see through the paint and the tree was underneath:


We double up using the Flex along with the Griots to finish polishing out the rest of the car. It sure is a pain to get to those really low panels..which were ALL paint, no plastic runners of any type...but hey its part of the job, we don't cut corners (though we have been known to cut ourselves short when bidding a job lol!)

I did a before shot with the brinkmann light....the paint was horribly hazy due to the nasty swirls:


Such a shame for such nice paint to look so bad...after a single pass with D300 however, it cleared right up. Note this was BEFORE the finishing wax was even applied:


10-17-2011, 12:44 AM
The front had a few bugs along with its fair share of dirt before hand...


And as you moved up it was clear to see the swirls


But we all know those weren't going to last.

We got nearly to the end of the compounding stage with the D300, so my sis switched out to the finishing MF pad and D301 Finishing Wax while i finished polishing out the last couple panels. Let me add real quick i love the smell of that finishing wax lol...it is known simply as 'berries' to us due to its blueberry scent. I know its not anywhere near the top of the list of importance when using a product, but when you've been busting your butt for 7 hours, a nice scent is always a nice way to close out a job...it also is a reminder that... WE'RE ALMOST DONE!

The hood looked LIQUID in the shade with its deep glossy reflection...


But of course the true test is when you pull it out in the sun. Any wagers on if it turned out bad ass or not :dblthumb2:


Hah, of course it did!

Now it can proudly wear the Mercedes emblem:


And the trunk that was not exactly a sight for sore eyes (more of a sight that CAUSED sore eyes)



Only way that last one could cause an eye sore is if you went blind :coolgleam:

And how it use to look 'ok' from behind:


Well, you be the judge as to how it looks now...


And the other side:



Now last but not least, my favorite part, the beauty shots



Is that reflection sweet or what?


Hey look its me...


Even the new hat looks good in the reflection here:


And for my favorite reflection shot...


So all in all it took us a good 6-7 hours of straight work...quite a while considering this car was pretty small and we didn't have a roof to polish lol.

My cousin was happy with it and it was fun to do some work for a family member and i was glad we could really get the car looking the way it SHOULD.

I also loved how the video came out for this car...it was a bit shorter (about 3 minutes) but i think the music i put to it was the best part :)

Take a look if you're interested:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7VmqwT-Sjo]Windows & Wheels Details Mercedes CLK 320 - YouTube[/video]

As always thanks for reading....hope you enjoyed it and if you have any questions or comments...don't feel shy!

thanks all.

10-17-2011, 07:01 PM
Wow Wills. That looks like a brand new car. Great job

10-17-2011, 08:34 PM
Wow Wills. That looks like a brand new car. Great job

Hey Jenn thanks...you beat me to it i was going to send you the link lol...glad you liked the Benz :xyxthumbs:

10-17-2011, 09:26 PM
Very nice.

10-17-2011, 11:48 PM
looks good to me

10-18-2011, 03:15 AM
looks good to me

Thank you much :dblthumb2:

10-18-2011, 04:12 AM
Ahhh....the beauty of the Meg's MF system strikes again.

10-18-2011, 08:47 PM
Ahhh....the beauty of the Meg's MF system strikes again.

Yeah its some awesome stuff...the D300 finishes down so well I don't think i'll be needing my D151 for much anymore...So often i can just do D300 and then seal without having to do a finishing polish...of course it makes it BETTER if you do but not every customer wants to pay for that...so for those who just want a single pass and seal...the D300 compound will probably be my go to unless i have a paint that hazes up really bad and that customer only wants a single pass...then i'll have to go to D151...