View Full Version : Preparing for my first detail

02-12-2007, 08:49 PM
Hey guys,
I'm really new here and I think this site is awesome. I'm not only addicted to the prospect of detailing my new car (because of how great everybody's cars look in all the after pics), but I'm also addicted to this site because of all the product advice. I never knew that detailing could be anything more than water, soap, wheels, tires and wax. I'm hooked. I spent almost an entire week looking at the shopping cart I had created by scouring the forum for my idea of the best and/or most used products. The total price almost scared me off, but I finally gave in and I recently bought everything I think I needed and my credit card is going to be hurting for some time. My shipment should arrive before the weekend and I should be good to go this Saturday seeing as I live in Southern California.

I had two questions before I start my first detail. I just bought my BMW last weekend, and this weekend it is going to get its first wash and its (and my) first detail.

1. Being a used car, it has two door dings on the front passenger door and one dimple on the rear driver side. Paintless dent removal, or traditional auto repair? (Know anyone good in the Southern California Area?)

2. Any last minute advice? (I've been reading the site and the forums for two weeks now, but I was just wondering if there was anything I should know before I detail for the first time).

Thanks, and thanks for creating such a cool site.

02-12-2007, 09:08 PM
1. Paintless Dent Removal, I can't recommend anywhere though.
2. Take your time, make sure you don't use too much products, have fun!!

Where is Yorba Linda??

02-12-2007, 09:37 PM
Slow arm speed overlapping motions if useing a PC, Start with your weakest combo and work your way up. And have FUN hehe

02-12-2007, 09:42 PM
+1 Take it slow and have fun. :) I like to take a kitchen timer out with me when I polish. I put 5 minutes up on the clock when I kick the PC up to high and it helps me keep track of the time until the polish breaks down.

02-12-2007, 09:47 PM
Patience and Practice
Hope your stuff gets here in time
Welcome to the asylum

02-13-2007, 05:48 PM
Thanks, it should get here Thursday. 3 day shipping left the warehouse Monday. I'm looking forward to it. Had dent doc take out the dings at my office today, so I'm all ready to go.