View Full Version : Question on WG products

10-10-2011, 10:27 PM
When detailing with WG, use swirl remover, finishing glaze, and deep gloss paint sealant correct? My next question is what is paintwork polish enhancer used? Do I use it with the other products when detailing the car? Feed back please

Mobile detail
10-11-2011, 12:31 AM
Your order in using the products is correct. The paint work plush is used before wgdgps and after the glaze. It strips any polish oils and produces a deeper gloss. If the car is in good condition and the paint just needs to be shined up and not corrected you can just use the paintwork. I use it before I wax because it strips the old wac and produces a great shine. It can hide minor swirls but doesn't have much if any cut.