View Full Version : How to remove Decals?

10-10-2011, 02:03 AM
Another question for the folks here!

New area for me..decals!


I want to repaint the top of this thing, but wanna remove the decals first and would love to know the best way to do it. I suppose they'd just sand off BUT...i have another issue..


THESE decals are on GOOD paint...but the decals are flaking off...i dont even wash that area because i just get decal crap in my mit...so how can i remove decals off of GOOD paint safely?

Oh and just for the record..see how crappy those running boards look..well that was my first little paint project w/my pops..they turned out pretty decent :)


Still want to sand and buff them out but this was right after the paint cured. Much better dont you think? Now just gotta find some lights for above the running boards (where the red lines are drawn).

But priority one..removing the decals!

Mobile detail
10-10-2011, 02:24 AM
Hey bud,
I use a plastic razor blade and a product called solvent x. It's sold through my auto magic rep. It's a great adhesive,overspray, road tar, gunk remover that is totally safe on paint. I'm pretty sure u can start peeling off the decals and if they are sticky squirt some sol x to loosen it up more. Or you can let the solve x sit on the decals to loosen them up and try to peel em off. Stuff works wonders on a lot of things and it is an item I would never be with out. I don't know if or what ag sells that is it's equivalent.

10-10-2011, 02:27 AM
Hey bud,
I use a plastic razor blade and a product called solvent x. It's sold through my auto magic rep. It's a great adhesive,overspray, road tar, gunk remover that is totally safe on paint. I'm pretty sure u can start peeling off the decals and if they are sticky squirt some sol x to loosen it up more. Or you can let the solve x sit on the decals to loosen them up and try to peel em off. Stuff works wonders on a lot of things and it is an item I would never be with out. I don't know if or what ag sells that is it's equivalent.

Thanks for the input man...ill add that to my list of stuff to buy :)

10-10-2011, 07:59 AM
You should add a heat gun to your list as well. The heat gun works wonder on dried/cracked decals. Roughly $30 from Home Depot.

10-10-2011, 08:32 AM
You should add a heat gun to your list as well. The heat gun works wonder on dried/cracked decals. Roughly $30 from Home Depot.

Definitely a heat gun, plastic razor blades, and some adhesive remover. I've had good luck with Tarminator and 3M Adhesive remover. Just be careful cause both Tarminator & 3M adhesive remover both will soften the paint a little bit...mix that with a heat gun and you can really cause some damage.

Fast Eddie
10-10-2011, 09:19 AM
Like stated above, a heat gun is your best option. I've tried to remove decals without a heat gun and will never do that again. The heat makes is sooo much easier.

10-10-2011, 09:23 AM
A 3M Eraser Wheel (goes on a power drill) + adhesive remover makes it a fairly quick job.

10-10-2011, 09:38 AM
A 3M Eraser Wheel (goes on a power drill) + adhesive remover makes it a fairly quick job.
:iagree:this would be the easy way.......theres alot of decals on that van and this would make quick work of it.

10-10-2011, 02:37 PM
i too suggest eraser wheel, especialy for those dried up decals. i would still have a d-limonene based solvent to remove the left overs after using eraser wheel, and you might need to polish the area that dont need repainting after you remove the decals, the eraser wheel can put micromarring into the paint. it will turn out great though. beware of the eraser shavings flying everywhere!. also you can find eraser wheels made by astro pnumatic for around 7$ online way cheaper then the 20$ each 3m wheels, i would grab 2 wheels and maybe bribe a buddy with some beer or food and have him help, and try to get a variable speed electric drill. nothing sucks worse then being 1/2 way done and the battery dies, then you put in your other battery and that one is not charged!. good luck with it post some pics after you remove the decals! oh yeah wear safety glasses,i HATE wearing them but pulling tiny pieces of decal/eraser wheel out of your eyes is no fun!.

10-12-2011, 11:51 AM
i too suggest eraser wheel, especialy for those dried up decals. i would still have a d-limonene based solvent to remove the left overs after using eraser wheel, and you might need to polish the area that dont need repainting after you remove the decals, the eraser wheel can put micromarring into the paint. it will turn out great though. beware of the eraser shavings flying everywhere!. also you can find eraser wheels made by astro pnumatic for around 7$ online way cheaper then the 20$ each 3m wheels, i would grab 2 wheels and maybe bribe a buddy with some beer or food and have him help, and try to get a variable speed electric drill. nothing sucks worse then being 1/2 way done and the battery dies, then you put in your other battery and that one is not charged!. good luck with it post some pics after you remove the decals! oh yeah wear safety glasses,i HATE wearing them but pulling tiny pieces of decal/eraser wheel out of your eyes is no fun!.

Well ive had other suggestions of the eraser wheel from other forums too...i think ill snag a couple...and if i need the heat gun with it i'll just run to the store and get one too.

I might just hook it up to the electric drill if it eats up too much juice from the battery, ive got a control trigger so it should work.

Do you have any links to the cheaper wheel you were talking abuout?

I expected micromarring regardless of what method i used so a full polish out is in store afterwards.

Last thing, where can i find a NEW DECAL setup?

10-12-2011, 03:24 PM
All the suggestions above are good ones. I will echo the vote for the eraser wheel, it will definitely impress you. The mess from that can easily be cleaned away with and adhesive removing product. For the decals, try your local sign shops. They typically work in durable vinyls and can usually make anything you want.