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10-06-2011, 06:55 PM
MUST SEE - The Ultimate in High Quality Car Washes

So as some of you may have heard me mention our parking lot at work has been under construction and while the weather has turned to the point I would take Skybaby on some days… lately construction has caused her to stay grounded.

For a while now my d/d has been inundated with a wave of concrete dust on a daily basis…. No big deal, I was going to wash it this weekend. Well, today was my lucky day!!

I came outside of my office around 9 this morning. We are all forced to park in the back right now where I can’t see my car from my window. So anyway I come outside and I see my car is wet. I think to myself, “well, that’s odd… It certainly isn’t raining.” As I approach the vehicle with the obvious idea the construction guys must have got some water on it inadvertently the foreman approaches me seeing the consternated look on my face.

I’ve spoken to him on a daily basis for the past few weeks and must say he is a lovely chap. As he approaches he says to me, “We got concrete dust on your car so we washed it.” Doing my very best to show appreciation for this kind act, I move towards the car a little more and say “uhh, you mean you sprayed it with the hose?” (Trying to change reality with my words) He says to me, “Well, we sprayed some water on it but we wiped it off with our rags….”

Now, I know exactly what “rags” he was talking about because I saw them wiping concrete over spray off their equipment a few days earlier… I kindly let this fine forward thinking individual know that if any more concrete dust landed on my car I would prefer it stayed there. And in a tone that was most re-assuring he said, “Oh, we are all done with that part now.”

While I didn’t thank him for his kind deeds I did do my best to be polite…

Personally I think a Nobel should be delivered to this fine man for his discovery of this new system.

First 10 seconds of video to better see the scratches…. In some of the pictures you can even see them when you’re static.


And some pictures… so you too may admire a car wash like none other I have seen...

















Setec Astronomy
10-06-2011, 07:05 PM
Yeah, that was helpful! Reminds of when my friend Jr. was trying to clean a big snow off her car with her Oxo Twister snow brush with the soft flagged bristles, and the neighbor wanted to help her with the stiff broom he was using on his car...she politely declined.

Sorry for your loss.

10-06-2011, 07:09 PM
:awman: Corey, that's unbelievable!

I know they were trying to do the right thing but man, it's a good thing you didn't decided to take Skybaby to work today! :eek:

Dr Oldz
10-06-2011, 07:18 PM
###?? Really? Am I dreaming?? Sorry to see this buddy. If any good can come out of this.....is the fact you get to practice your rotary skills.

C. Charles Hahn
10-06-2011, 07:18 PM
:awman: Corey, that's unbelievable!

I know they were trying to do the right thing but man, it's a good thing you didn't decided to take Skybaby to work today! :eek:

If that had happened to Skybaby, Corey would be posting from prison right now asking how to get acquitted of murder charges.

Sorry to see that happened, but at least now you've got a swirled-up car to test/review polishes on :buffing:


Setec Astronomy
10-06-2011, 07:25 PM
###?? Really? Am I dreaming?? Sorry to see this buddy. If any good can come out of this.....is the fact you get to practice your rotary skills.

I vote for Optimum MF pads by rotary--who else wants to see a review?

10-06-2011, 07:32 PM
Holy crap man! That sucks.

10-06-2011, 07:36 PM
Thanks guys, I knew you guys would get a kick out of it! Im the MAN

If that had happened to Skybaby, Corey would be posting from prison right now asking how to get acquitted of murder charges.

I think you may be right Charlie. It wouldn't have been pretty...

I vote for Optimum MF pads by rotary--who else wants to see a review?

That sounds like a good idea!

10-06-2011, 07:48 PM
Cee Dog, I can't see your face expression or know how fast your blood boiled hearing "we wiped it with our rags".

You are a patient man. It reminds me of the street guys that would approach me in Los Angeles and start washing my windshield.

I'd tell him "no", but they always break out a small water bottle and old newspapers.

Anyhow, great story! I would be cool with the water hose, but wiping my car with contruction towels would off made my knees weak.

10-06-2011, 08:47 PM
a knot in my stomach.

i dont believe i would be able to contain myself.

10-06-2011, 08:52 PM
Of all peoples cars they had to give yours the free bath!!! I know its not funny but the idea behind it is very funny. Now if this was SkyBaby it would not be remotely CLOSE to funny!!

10-06-2011, 08:53 PM
I would have been PISSED!! I was actually cringing at that video! Not because it's THAT bad...but more so because I know you take care of that paint. To go from it's previous condition to that...is a pretty dramatic change. That was one powerful car wash, ha.

Thanks for the car wash!!! :bash:

I take it they didn't use two buckets??

Flash Gordon
10-06-2011, 09:20 PM
Terrible news :(

10-06-2011, 09:45 PM
I wouldn't be too happy about anyone trying to wash my car. No matter if was nice or not. That's just not right. That's kinda stepping over the line to me.....

10-06-2011, 10:20 PM
Ugh, so sad.

Glad its your daily driver. If it were me, I would of have been beyond pissed if it were my altima as its my baby and my daily driver.

Consider this a chance to experiment. :buffing: