View Full Version : DP Interior Cleaner on BMW Steering Wheel

10-06-2011, 12:34 AM
Hi all,

I own a 99 BMW M3 and I recently wiped down the interior dash, door panels, center console, steering wheel, etc (not leather parts) with DP Interior Cleaner and Protectant. I noticed a day later that the "rubbery" area of the steering (the center portion) became very dull looking. It also looks weird when I run my finger across it because it makes the dullness go away and almost looks shiny.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Does anyone have a solution to make this shiny again?

Pictures coming tomorrow, but any input for the time being would be greatly appreciated!


10-06-2011, 06:28 AM
It sounds like left over product is leaving a slight haze. Try wiping it down with a clean cloth and see if it eliminates the problem...

There are products out there that leave a nice shine if that's what your looking for...

10-06-2011, 07:14 AM
Could it be that perhaps the shininess on the steering wheel was built up grime?

Just a thought...similar to leather seats. They become shiny due to all the grime, oils, etc that are left on the seat or in this case the steering wheel.

10-07-2011, 02:30 AM
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll get in there and wipe off what I can and see what happens.

Seajay, I was kinda thinking the same thing..The surface reacts with the oils on my hand and produces an artificial and temporary shine. I don't need to be shiny..I just don't want it looking so dead and dull.