View Full Version : Birthday code? Products to start with?

02-10-2007, 11:28 PM
Hi there,

Been browsing for a few weeks and was wondering what some good starter products would be as far as sealants, glazes, waxes, tools etc.

How many MF towels besides a guzzler does a person typically need for washing personal cars.... I'm not a pro?

I'm gonna get a PC with a kit and I'm leaning towards the AIO from Klasse. What products work well with Klasse? I have a 95 M3 that needs some love. I plan on claying it. Any suggestions for a clay product? I have no brand loyalties to speak of. I've been using a carnuba from a detailer I got years ago and little else.

Back to the birthday thing... how do I input that it's my Birthday when I purchase stuff for the extra 5%? I'm getting a lot of stuff most likely so it would be nice to save a little extra :)

Hi, everyone! Interesting stuff I've been reading and some gorgeous work displayed... you guys are kinda crazy!!!

edit.... oh it's a Cosmos Black M3 if that matters for product selection.

02-11-2007, 01:59 AM
Silence is bad.... is there no birthday discount? Could've sworn I saw something mentioned.

24 views and no product endorsements or towel counts? I only have experience with a chamois. I've never used a MF product before so I was serious on a number or even some input on valuable sizes to own.

Any help would be appreciated.

02-11-2007, 03:07 AM
If you entered your birthday when you registered you should get an email from AG a day or so before your birthday with your code. It will be good for 15% off and will be valid for 7 days. This is burned into my memory because I placed an order the day before my birthday last month and didn't check my email till the next day when it was too late to get the discount. Oh well, live and learn.

BTW, Happy Birthday! :cheers:

02-11-2007, 03:19 AM
In regards to the MF towels, I would guess one or two guzzlers and at least a half dozen plush 16x24 towels for buffing wax and general wiping down and the like. You can probably never have too many Micro Fiber towels.

02-11-2007, 03:54 AM
Hi there,

Been browsing for a few weeks and was wondering what some good starter products would be as far as sealants, glazes, waxes, tools etc.

How many MF towels besides a guzzler does a person typically need for washing personal cars.... I'm not a pro?

I'm gonna get a PC with a kit and I'm leaning towards the AIO from Klasse. What products work well with Klasse? I have a 95 M3 that needs some love. I plan on claying it. Any suggestions for a clay product? I have no brand loyalties to speak of. I've been using a carnuba from a detailer I got years ago and little else.

Back to the birthday thing... how do I input that it's my Birthday when I purchase stuff for the extra 5%? I'm getting a lot of stuff most likely so it would be nice to save a little extra :)

Hi, everyone! Interesting stuff I've been reading and some gorgeous work displayed... you guys are kinda crazy!!!

edit.... oh it's a Cosmos Black M3 if that matters for product selection.
P.M. Meghan and she will assist you.

02-11-2007, 04:47 AM
16x24 a good size for buffing as opposed to 16x16 or 24x24? I'll have to PM her as I didn't get an email, thanks.

02-11-2007, 05:59 AM
16x24 a good size for buffing as opposed to 16x16 or 24x24? I'll have to PM her as I didn't get an email, thanks.
16x16 is perfect for buffing, 16x24 for QD'ing, 20x40 for drying.

02-11-2007, 09:41 AM
Wash --- Poorboys Suds, Pinnacle Soap, Duragloss Soap

Polish --- XMT 3 and 1, Poorboys SSR 2.5 and 1.0, Optimum Polish

Clay --- Pinnacle , Wolfgang, Mothers Kit

Wax --- Pinnacles Sig Series or Souveran paste, DP Max Wax

Sealant --- Four Star UPP, Poorboys EXP, Duragloss 105, Wolfgang

qd'er --- Pinnacle Crystal Mist, Poorboys Spray/Gloss, Duragloss 921

microfibers --- Guzzler (dry) , Indigos (wax/polish removal), Jrs (qd), mitt (wash)

that will get you started ....

02-11-2007, 10:13 AM
Gotta agree with killrwheels as usual but I will go even further

Wash --- Poorboys Suds - this is nice stuff and its cheap (er)

Polish --- XMT 3 and 1, Poorboys SSR 2.5 and 1.0, Optimum Polish - pick'm, no experience with any of these, pick one brand/line to learn with ('new pinnacle line???')

Clay --- Pinnacle - or the DP clay with 4n1 for lube

Wax --- Souveran paste - little durability but what a shine (see my 93 325 in gallery)

Sealant --- Four Star UPP - pick'm I have Klasse, might want to try this soon, highly recommended on forum

qd'er --- Pinnacle Crystal Mist, -paired with the Souveran

microfibers --- Guzzler (dry) , Indigos (wax/polish removal), Jrs/Miracle (qd & buff), - if you buy kits they usually include MFs - minimum needs 1 guz (medium size), 3-4 indigos, 3-4 buffers (Get one of the MF detergents as well, remeber to wash MFs seperate from anything else)

that will get you started .... patience and practice

02-11-2007, 06:27 PM
You guys don't like or recommend the klasse products? Reasons? Thanks for the inputs!

20x40 frol drying is big enough? So avoid the ultimate guzzler?

02-11-2007, 07:38 PM
Depends on needs
I just did the top of others minivan with the Kasse twins. I'll do the other half next weekend. They are nice products but I just cannot seem to get the 'pop' out of them that I can with other things. At the same time I use them for things (windows, house and car, basecoat on the boat, appliances, etc) I cannot use others for. I don't count on AIO being able to remove more than very minor swirls. On the other hand it took the old wax and stuff off the van with minimal effort since it had been polished a couple of months ago and it will last for a while. And no, I had no problem getting the SG off after a couple of hours. THIN COATS. Mixed emotions but I am glad I have them in the arsenal.
As for the guzzlers, I dried the van with a medium and a small one without either being real wet. For my 325 I just use the medium. As I rarely do more than one car a day, I do not see the need for the huge one (personal preference, if I wiped the boat down after a wash I might want one). (the soft rinse with an open hose is a nice trick for removing most of the water, air blow if needed) Use em and hang them up to dry for the next day. Wash them when I have a small load of MFs. Don't forget the MF detergent.
You are going to find a lot of things are personal preference. There are very few 'bests' of anything that everyone agrees on. Preparation is everything and you will probably not get it absolutely right the first time for you. There will always be something that could be better. Thats why we are OCD.
For your black M, pick a line of products, follow the process and take a picture of it first so you always know it is better than it was.
Patience and Practice

02-14-2007, 05:04 PM
So I ended up with a bunch of stuff... thanks for the input. BUT, I neglected to get a pad conditioner. What products besidess pinnacle are there? I do have a bottle of Crystal Mist coming, would this work ok or do i need something more specific to the task?