View Full Version : Collinite 915 sweating

09-25-2011, 09:44 PM
I applied a thin coat of 915 over wet diamond and soon after it started sweating and at first I thought nothing of it but now, 4 hours later it still sweaty looking. Any way to fix it? Thanks.

Setec Astronomy
09-25-2011, 10:02 PM
This humidity is brutal...I was at a wedding last night and everybody was really sweating.

How about buffing it again? If that doesn't help maybe a thin coat of Ban Roll-On over what you've got.

09-25-2011, 10:21 PM
Deodorant? I'm considering using dawn to take it all off then just use the WD.

Setec Astronomy
09-25-2011, 10:25 PM
How about BUFFING it again? You know, with at towel, like when you buffed it the first time. If that doesn't work, check back. Just letting it sit for 4 hours isn't doing anything to solve the problem.

EDIT: Wait a minnit...by "sweating", do you mean that it got condensation on it when it cooled off in the evening? Because that's got nothing to do with your wax, it has to do with the environmental conditions, and it's not really what's being referred to as "sweating" of a wax.

09-25-2011, 10:43 PM
Does spraying with ice cold water and then wiping with a towel work?

09-25-2011, 11:42 PM
Well it's raining now so hopefully the humidity will go down tomorrow. But if it doesn't help I'll try what was suggested above. Thanks guys.

09-26-2011, 07:18 AM
I applied a thin coat of 915 over wet diamond and soon after it started sweating and at first I thought nothing of it but now, 4 hours later it still sweaty looking. Any way to fix it? Thanks.

This come up from time to time and I'm still scratching my head how an automotive finish perspires?

In humans, living of course, sweating allows the body to regulate its temperature sort of like a natural radiator.

Paint is a hard finish and to the best of my knowledge paint doesn't possess sweat glands or pores. Without a water source there can be no sweating.

When the finish is sealed or wax it would only make sense that if moisture was somehow excreted through the finish these products by their design would eliminate this possibility....but paint doesn't sweat.

Perhaps what's happening here is a change in humidity and air temperature is coming in contact with the cooler panel and forming droplets of condensation making it look like the finish is sweating..

Morning dew on a non waxed surface will appear very even and cover the entire surface of the panel, similar to a very fine mist.

When wax is applied the surface tension of the surface changes causing droplets rather than an even mist like layer of moisture.

My guess it this is caused by the changes in the humidity and temperature and will occur regardless what sealant or wax you use....

Just my take on paint sweating...

09-26-2011, 07:48 AM
I have two vehicles with #845 over BFWD with no issues. I agree with what was said above. It sounds like moisture in the air condensing on the vehicles cooler surface.