View Full Version : Alloy restoration - can these scratches be repaired ?

09-22-2011, 11:04 AM
A customer has mailed us the following photos of his alloys, which are contaminated with some amount of brake dust, hard water scaling, grease & good old dirt !

There are lots of scratches also visible along with some white lines. From our previous experience, we havent been able to remove these lines & scratches.

Is there any method that experts on this forum can suggest to remove those lines on the metal portion of the alloys ? Any methods are welcome !

Feed back please

Mike Phillips
09-22-2011, 11:17 AM
There's probably a way to undo the damage but it's going to be time-consuming and likely labor intensive.

Not sure if it will be a profitable venture or not due to time and labor. If that metal is coated, then any type of abrading will also remove any coating where you abrade the surface giving the wheel an un-even appearance.

If the scratched area is just bare aluminum with no coating, you could just try to machine or hand polish using an aluminum compound. Might have to sand the scratches out first and the polish. Mothers, Meguiar's, Wolfgang and Flitz all have tools and polishes for this...

This type of work usually isn't easy. Hard to say without seeing them in person.

A better option might be to have your customer send them to a company that specializes in wheel repair.

My guess is the repair costs are going to make purchasing brand new wheels look like a viable option. Just a guess though...


09-22-2011, 09:23 PM
Thanks for the quick reply Mike !

From what we see, it looks like there is a chrome coating present around the edge of the alloys.

Will try to take a look in person of the alloys & decide !