View Full Version : Any suggestions for making this color "pop"

Ryan R
09-22-2011, 01:11 AM
Did my sisters 2000 Honda Accord that was a swirl disaster. I couldn't get a good picture to show this due to the lighting (and color?).

Washed with Megs GoldClass
Clayed with Mothers
Megs Ultimate compound with orange 5.5 LC pad
Pinnacle Advanced Swirl Remover with white 5.5 LC pad
Pinnacle Paint Cleansing lotion with white 5.5 LC pad
Topped with a coat of Megs Deep Crystal Caranuba Wax

Paint came out great. Smoother than ever. I wouldn't say the swirls came out 100% but a huge improvement.

After all was said and done...my sister and girlfriend thought I just washed and dried it!

I was shocked...kinda bummed but we all agreed it must be the color.

So now I'm wondering what wax could I use on this color that's going to really make this shine? I'm looking for a "wow!" response next time I do it!


09-22-2011, 07:20 AM
I have had great results with Collinite 845 on light colored vehicles. Great durability + great price + great look = amazing product!

09-22-2011, 08:33 AM
Is that a beige or silver? Looks like the "beige" but hard to tell from the lighting. Check this out:


Since then I have also used PO85rd on a gray pad on it, and right now I have one coat of BFWD and two coats of Chemical Guys 50/50 on - really has that color popping!

09-22-2011, 08:57 AM
Finishing polish like 85RD on a crimson or grey pad.

09-22-2011, 09:12 AM
My mother in laws 2000 accrod is the same color.She had previously only washed it at Chevron so you could imagine what it looked like.I used meguiar's ultimate compound,polish, and then paste wax to restore shine.For this color try DODO juice light fantastic soft wax.I loved it on our silver Pilot.

09-22-2011, 09:25 AM
Another way to get that wow effect is in the presentation. Before you start the detail get the car out in the sun and make sure they see the swirls and defects. By knowing how the car looks prior to the swirl removal, the big finish is that much better.

And for the final show off, you also need the sun. To be able to show the same areas of the car you showed to begin with. That is how you get the wow factor.

Sure, a product may help a little bit, but to the untrained eye the small difference 85rd or a certain wax may make is not noticeable.

09-22-2011, 04:05 PM
It may take a little more work on the finish to get it perfected.

You would be amazed at how big a different that last 10% makes in the way a paint looks.

I did an older Jetta a few weeks ago and after completion discovered that it had metal flake in it. The flake was so subtle that it couldn't "shine through" the swirls. After jeweling it looked like a totally different paint.
And they didn't really "pop" until after I had gone over the car with Menzerna PO85rd on a black pad at really slow speed.

Ryan R
09-22-2011, 06:18 PM
Is that a beige or silver? Looks like the "beige" but hard to tell from the lighting. Check this out:


Since then I have also used PO85rd on a gray pad on it, and right now I have one coat of BFWD and two coats of Chemical Guys 50/50 on - really has that color popping!

Beige...wasn't an easy color to get a good picture....that and my shop light bulb going out on me

As stated...I only used OTC meguiars Caranuba...I prefer to seal but with a week of rain I'd never have time for it to cure.

Now that the claying and compounding is out of the way I'm going to strip the wax,attack with another swirl remover,then seal.

Ryan R
09-22-2011, 07:09 PM
I have had great results with Collinite 845 on light colored vehicles. Great durability + great price + great look = amazing product!

Its added to my shopping cart :)

Dr Oldz
09-22-2011, 07:19 PM
While there are many great product suggestions thus far......Some colors are very hard to get that drastic before and after look. This is one of those colors.

09-22-2011, 08:44 PM
My vote goes to Menzerna PO85RD/black pad, then wax it with Meguiar's M26 liquid. If you want to seal it then my vote will be Duragloss #501 Marine/RV polish followed by Duragloss #105 Total Performance Polish or even Duragloss #111 Clear Coat Polish. Do a final wipe with Duragloss Aqua Wax. You'll be left with silky smooth paint and protection for a long, long time. :)

09-22-2011, 09:17 PM
Hi-Tech Wax Enhancer........Good Stuff

09-23-2011, 07:17 AM
I have the same color and after polishing and getting the paint near perfect, my favorite LSP's have been Naviwax Ultimate, Autoglym HD, Bilt Hamber Finis wax and Fuzion

09-23-2011, 07:30 AM
While there are many great product suggestions thus far......Some colors are very hard to get that drastic before and after look. This is one of those colors.

:iagree:I agree...I tested out Collinite 915 on a silver Chrysler 300C and it came out pretty good. My dad enjoys it.