View Full Version : Wash media options for Rinseless washing...

09-17-2011, 07:43 AM
Cold weather and ONR/rinseless washing will soon be upon many of us. I've tried the Opti-Mitt and was very disappointed...(but it works great for washing tires/wheels, and wheel wells). I also tried the Lake Country blue grout sponge...huge improvement over the Opti-Mitt, but I'm still looking for an even better option.

With ONR practically a house hold item on everybody's shelf at this point, and an army of ONR loyalists out there...I'd like to hear from other forum members about what wash media they prefer to use with ONR, and why.

I suppose any wash media that works great with conventional wash shampoos would also work with ONR, but I'm curious as to whether there are options that are actually better suited for rinseless washing.

09-17-2011, 07:48 AM
John have you seen the sheepskin wash pads? They work very well for hose washes. Easy to handle and very soft.
Sheepskin Wash Pad, wool wash pad (http://www.autogeek.net/sheepskin-wash-pad.html)

09-17-2011, 08:21 AM
I use a soft yellow Uber Sponge from Detailers Domain. Its basically the same construction as a Lowes Grout Sponge. I'm pretty sure the Zymbol Sponge is the same thing as well.

Once I tried one with ONR, I never looked back. It works amazing with it. He sells them on his website.

Now I always recommend a Grout like sponge. The LC blue sponge is nice but it does not rinse out as easily as the yellow sponge.

And I do more rinseless washing than probably 10 average people combined on this site. I usually prep a lineup (6 to 8) of vehicles each morning (Saturday and Sunday) for carshows once they arrive.

And for me its usually always about saving space when I travel with car care products. Which is why I like using anything that I can crush down in a ziplock bag without wrecking it. See this blue pad thing thats included in this kit :

Cobra Flex Foam Tire Detailing Bundle (http://www.autogeek.net/cobra-flex-foam-tire-bundle.html)

Those are what I use to rinsless wash tires before dressing them when I travel. They work very well and are dont take up space.

16 oz of ONR, mutiple sponges, OPti-bond, and a 16oz bottle of 3:1 Powerclean is all I need for an entire weekend. Along with a bag of waffle weave towels.

Setec Astronomy
09-17-2011, 08:34 AM
I suppose any wash media that works great with conventional wash shampoos would also work with ONR, but I'm curious as to whether there are options that are actually better suited for rinseless washing.

IMO you want something that doesn't hold as much water as something you'd use for a conventional wash. I've used MF towels, but what I usually use is an old MF wash pad where the sponge has broken down, which is pretty much like an MF towel. If you picture one of "The Bone" wash pads that's almost flat, that's what I usually use (they are a different brand).

09-17-2011, 08:45 AM
IMO you want something that doesn't hold as much water as something you'd use for a conventional wash. I've used MF towels, but what I usually use is an old MF wash pad where the sponge has broken down, which is pretty much like an MF towel. If you picture one of "The Bone" wash pads that's almost flat, that's what I usually use (they are a different brand).

good point about something that does not suck up all of your wash water. I agree. You want something with a good balance between not enough water and too much being sucked up. Its very easy to drain your wash water if your using the wrong media. Which again is why I prefer the sponge. I can easily decide on how much water I leave the bucket with. I usually grab a lot of water for the first once over on the panel to help wet it . Than for the second pass I use a sponge that I squeeze out the majoirty of the solution.

I feel that anything sheepskin is going to suck up all your wash solution. And like I mentioned before the LC bluc sponge is difficult to squeeze out , so I pass on those as well.

09-17-2011, 09:07 AM
I use basic microfiber towels. Flip to a new side with each panel.

KISS. :-)

09-17-2011, 10:54 AM
I use the LC blue sponge. Interesting, I've never noticed a problem squeezing it out or rinsing it. I'm all for trying something else out though for comparison.

Setec Astronomy
09-17-2011, 10:58 AM
Those of you reading this who decide to try a MF towel, be aware that these rinseless wash processes tend to stain the towels gray/black--so don't use towels that you are attached to...or don't want to dedicate for this use.

09-17-2011, 11:00 AM
Used The Bone by Cobra with ONR for the first time yesterday. It did a great job of picking up all the dirt and dust from the paint. It looked like it ruined The Bone, but it cleaned up nicely with some laundry detergent. I would highly recommend this wash media.

09-17-2011, 11:17 AM
I use a wool wash mitt. I might try a microfiber towel just to compare

09-17-2011, 11:56 AM
I really like the wool pad, but it lints like crazy.