View Full Version : Am I the only one??

09-14-2011, 11:03 PM
I'm just curious if anybody else out there has felt the same way here. I used up a whole bottle of the Megs MF System products. Both the Correction Compound, and the Finishing Wax.

Am I the only one who finds the compound to be kinda weak?? Does it work as advertised? I'd have to lean more towards yes, than no. But, compared to 105...I find this stuff to fall behind.

I see people praising the combination...but I've yet to feel satisfied with the compounding results. Of course, I can reach my goal with a few more passes...but I feel 105 and the MF burgundy pad together make a better team.

The whole system as a whole...I do like. Certain vehicles I will use the system as is, to get the job done. But when it comes to COMPLETELY removing swirls for a full correction...I'm not sold. Stuff smells great, and really is easy to wipe off though. For that I say kudos. But the cutting power seems lacking....just me?

Just FYI too...I was using the PC.

Bates Detailing
09-14-2011, 11:05 PM
You like this system better than the makita?!?!?

09-14-2011, 11:32 PM
You like this system better than the makita?!?!?

I know huh? Kris is usually mentioning his Makita.

09-14-2011, 11:43 PM
I haven't read much on the MF, but can they remove RIDS? I know rotary can do it, but I have trouble removing RIDS with my DA.

09-14-2011, 11:55 PM
Oh, I still love the Makita....don't worry! But, I'm always willing to give everything a solid shot...it can only improve my skills.

The MF pads I've actually grown to love. You can use them over and over again, they work really well, and make compounding clean and smooth.

That being said...the pc and any pad IMO will never give the cut of a rotary and a wool pad. For RIDS...its definitely a rotary for me. But, in tight spaces, or jobs not requiring a full correction...I've actually really grown to love a DA polisher.

Whether you consider yourself a DA guy, or a rotary guy....there's absolutely a place for both machines if you ask me.