View Full Version : Help detailing in the cold weather!!!

02-06-2007, 07:36 AM
Hi I live in NY and it is really cold this time of the year. My question is are there any tips to detail my car in this weather? Can you put wax on? How do people take care of their cars when it's this cold out? Thanks

02-06-2007, 07:56 AM
gooch...check out pg. 3 on the detailing forum..topic titled "washing in winter". i got some helpful ideas there.

02-06-2007, 09:13 AM
im in jersey and its just to dam cold out to do anything .its 11 degrees out side YIKES!!!its to bad becauese i have all this new stuff to try out on my trucks. im bummed

02-06-2007, 09:32 AM
I live in Massachusetts and today it is about 15 degrees. I am fortunate to have a garage and I purchased a Propane Heater. It puts out alot of heat and can bring the temp up into the 50's. I use Poorboy's SW and then a QD. Boy when I take my car out and compared to all the other cars covered in Salt what looks I get. It fells Reeeeeeel Good! JoeD

02-06-2007, 09:41 AM
I live in Massachusetts and today it is about 15 degrees. I am fortunate to have a garage and I purchased a Propane Heater. It puts out alot of heat and can bring the temp up into the 50's. I use Poorboy's SW and then a QD. Boy when I take my car out and compared to all the other cars covered in Salt what looks I get. It fells Reeeeeeel Good! JoeD

I totally agree having a garage really helps. Question for you JoeD, what kind of Propane Heater did you get? Reason I ask is because I've been looking on getting one too but not sure what to get.

As for advice on washing in cold temperatures, well as mentioned if you have a garage it will make it very easy for you but if you don't well then I don't think you have much choices. One thing I did learn from other experienced members here is that you can polish your vehicle and it does not matter how cold it is...as long as the polish(s) don't freeze your okay. Never let a polish freeze it can ruin it. There was a post about freezing polish and another post about temperature restrictions and polishing.

Hope this helps, but that’s all I know by reading and I live in Canada and I’m still polishing my Volvo inside the garage and so far no issues with the polish.

02-06-2007, 10:19 AM
Nica, I am sorry but I am at work right now and the name of the hearter escapes me. I purchased it at a local Lowes's. They where on sale halph price. I paid $49.00 for it. It has a blower and puts out about 54,000 b.t.u's. I also purchase a propane tank total cost for tank filled and blower unit was $98.00. Oh, I leave the bottom of the garage door opened about a couple of inches just for ventlation and it works great. Sorry about not remembering the name. When I get home tonight, "if I remember" being a senior citizen, I will forward the brand to you. Stay warm! JoeD

02-06-2007, 10:24 AM
Thanks JoeD, I'll check later on tonight. I too am at work but my job is so flexible that I can go online any time I was...as long as I get my work done. $49 and it pumps out 54,000 b.t.u's and a blower mmm....good deal if you ask me.

02-06-2007, 10:29 AM
Yes Nica, it was a good deal. The only thing it does make a lot of noise. But I don't keep it on all of the time when in the garage. I bring the temp up and then shut if off. When I get cold I turn it back on.

02-06-2007, 10:57 AM
thank god i dont have to deal with this.

Stittville Ed
02-06-2007, 11:11 AM
I have a 80,000 trailer furnace and a 150,000 BTU salamander in my garage but once the concrete freezes the only answer is June :D

Last week has been sub zero every night topped with a foot of snow this morning.
This week will also be below zero at night, plus the 30-40 MPH wind makes it real nice when the plow truck will not start.
Once I got it running I Beached it for the first time :mad:

Well at least I will be at the Detail Fest in a few weeks :righton:

02-06-2007, 11:29 AM
Here is the unit that I purchased to heat my garage. I am sorry the unit has 35,000 BTU's not 54. See what I mean by a Senior Moment. I hope this link works.

<IMG SRC="http://www2.lightband.com/~sjoseph/Heater1.jpg">

02-06-2007, 02:54 PM
Can DP 4 and 1 be purchased in any retail stores so I can get in now?

02-06-2007, 03:00 PM
No. Maybe that one store in FL... but not at Target, Autozone, etc.

02-06-2007, 03:58 PM
Welcome to my life... hehe we got about 2 feet of snow with 40-50 MPH winds.... It was a complete white out for 2 days

02-06-2007, 04:11 PM
It's not fun trying to keep vehicles clean in cold weather. Over the past few days I've actually given up. Hopefully this weekend will be warmer and I can use DP 4-in-1.

On a brighter note our temperature here has doubled since yesterday.

Yesterday when I drove to work I watched my temp reading drop to -9. Today driving home it was up to 9.
I wore shorts for our Super Bowl party on Sunday and the wind chill was like -33!