View Full Version : Where were you on Sept 11 2001?

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Flash Gordon
09-05-2011, 05:26 PM
I was detailing the interior of a Volvo when a freind called and said a plane had hit the WTC. I didn't think much of it at the time, then before I knew it everyone-everywhere was talking about it

I stayed glued to the TV for two weeks after that date. Definitely one of those days you'll never forget

Seems like everything changed from that point forward

So, what were you doing the morning of Sept 11th 2001

Porsche Pilot
09-05-2011, 05:32 PM
I was at Best Buy right when they opened to buy some unneeded item. I planted myself in front of the tv section and didn't budged until the store closed. I couldn't tear myself away from the images but finally had to force myself to drive the 45 minutes home. My attitude towards alot of things changed that day.

09-05-2011, 05:33 PM
I was in 3rd grade. I didn't know what was going on. All of the adults around were talking and crying. We were watching it happen on the tv. A lot of my friends were going home early, but my mother worked at the school so I didn't worry too much about leaving.

09-05-2011, 05:35 PM
I was onboard USS Hayler DD-997 docked in Norfolk and watched the whole thing on tv until security got ramped up and found myself standing watch.

09-05-2011, 05:36 PM
I was in Kindergarten at the time. Don't remember going home early or even knew what happened till I got older.

Kaleb G.
09-05-2011, 05:36 PM
I was in Mr. Nevius's 6th grade class. We were doing sustained silent reading (15 minutes everyday that you read something not school related) and our principal came in and told our teacher. We went into the library watching it on tv until around noon and then they let us go home.

09-05-2011, 05:50 PM
I was driving my family to Disney World and turned on the radio as they napped. I believe it was one of the few days in history that Disney World closed the parks to the public for our safety.

C. Charles Hahn
09-05-2011, 05:57 PM
I was home from school sick (10th grade) and at the time we were having our driveway replaced. Some of the guys outside started yelling that a plane had hit the WTC (they had a radio going) and telling us to turn on the TV.

I ended up going back to school after that because I was supposed to have had a test, but it never ended up happening. Everyone was glued to TVs the rest of the day.

09-05-2011, 06:01 PM
I was a sixth grader. My mom woke me up and told me to turn on the tv.

I only had about 10 minutes to watch before I had to go to the bus stop. I dont remember what I thought that day, I knew it was significant, but I didnt quite know the ramifications.

09-05-2011, 06:03 PM
I was in Chilicothe, MO for work, checking out of the Best Western getting ready to head to the Wal-Mart for the day. That store probably didn't get my best service that day due to me watching the TVs they had around the store (happened to have tv that they played ads etc on normally hung from the ceiling).

I have since made many friends in the NY/NJ area, many who knew people that worked in those buildings and to hear their stories really made me see the event in a totally different light.

09-05-2011, 06:06 PM
I had just gotten through with a meeting and someone turned on the TV in the room and there it was. I was in shock. Everyone in Dallas was worried because of the skyscrapers we had. To make the day even worse, I had to go tell someone they had cancer.


09-05-2011, 06:13 PM
That morning I turned on the news before I headed to the office. I was tying a shoe and watching the TV when the second plane hit. My poor beagle, Shiloh, thought I was mad at him because of my shouting at the TV. I went to the office and between my brother constantly calling with updates and the owners of the company watching the TV upstairs and notifying us via the intercom we were kept abreast of what was happening. After the second tower fell the CEO of our company gathered the entire operation together and led us in prayer. He offered to let any one go home with pay that wanted to but remarkably no one took him up on the offer.

My wife was in Police Academy at that time. Her instructors, 1 FBI agent and 2 State Police officers told the class to report to their respective departments immediately. They then skeedaddled. She went in. I didn't speak to her until late that night. When her class graduated a few weeks later it was a very emotional ceremony to say the least.

09-05-2011, 06:25 PM
i remember getting out of the ear doctor, getting home and turning on the TV. .....i thought i was watching a movie....

09-05-2011, 06:31 PM
was at work the boss had a scanner in the shop and we were tuned to the airport when the order was givin to ground all aircraft. Charlotte airport was a busy place also picked up on military aircraft scrambled to fly around Charlotte to protect the nuke plant.

It was a long week or so with all coverage ,very sad for all that lost thier lives.

I look at things very differntly since then.

09-05-2011, 06:36 PM
I was at a small National Guard Post in Morganton, NC teaching a vehicle maintenance class. There was a TV in one of the rooms and all the soldiers were gathered in the room watching. we tried to keep the class going but it was hard to keep anyone's attention. A little later they went into a full lock down, locked all the doors and gates. I'll never forget a few days later during another class we were out letting the students drive the trucks and everyone we passed on the road was giving us a thumbs up and honking their horns. Yea that was one TDY I will never forget.