View Full Version : MDA Telethon...

Flash Gordon
09-04-2011, 09:46 PM
Jerry Lewis got the boot this year. I say its about time they put this whole sham to rest

What are your thoughts on this matter



09-04-2011, 09:53 PM
I get calls every year, multiple times saying that "you've been accused of having a big heart, and we're gonna have to lock you up".

Yeah, sounds strange...but apparently they call businesses and arrange an approved "lock up", and people have to donate money to bail you out. And oh yeah, they expect you to do this on a week day, smack in the middle of the day. So you basically have to lose money by not working AND give money to them as well.

Horrible plan! They call me pretty consistently and get all pissy with me when I tell them to take a hike. They'd be better off asking me to setup a donation box, and just simply asking my customers to donate. I would do that. But, I've worked pretty hard at not getting locked up, ha.

09-04-2011, 10:49 PM
I have taken part in my FD's annual voluntary toll road for Muscular Dystrophy for 27 of the 29 years; the only time I have missed it was being on vacation during the day of the event. This year, betwen out golf tournament, the toll road and the ski muster, we collected over $20K for MDA.

MDA is the chosen charity of the International Association of Fire Fighters. My own Local supports the Susan B. Komen 3 day walk for the cure, the PanMass Challenge for cancer research, the Multiple Sclerosis ride for the cure, Duble Trouble + one for Cystic Fibrosis research and other charities.

Flash and Kris... you can choose to support the charity of your choice.. nobody is forcing you to support MDA.

Part of success in anything one does is paying it forward.

09-04-2011, 10:54 PM
I have taken part in my FD's annual voluntary toll road for Muscular Dystrophy for 27 of the 29 years; the only time I have missed it was being on vacation during the day of the event. This year, betwen out golf tournament, the toll road and the ski muster, we collected over $20K for MDA.

MDA is the chosen charity of the International Association of Fire Fighters. My own Local supports the Susan B. Komen 3 day walk for the cure, the PanMass Challenge for cancer research, the Multiple Sclerosis ride for the cure, Duble Trouble + one for Cystic Fibrosis research and other charities.

Flash and Kris... you can choose to support the charity of your choice.. nobody is forcing you to support MDA.

Part of success in anything one does is paying it forward.

I'm not knocking the charity...it's more about their approach to raise money. I just think it's a bad decision trying to remove a business owner from his workplace during a week day to fake a "lock up". I actually support the charity. I've donated a few times. But, I stopped cause they won't leave me alone.

I donate to multiple charities cause I know, being a business owner that it's a good write off. Plus, I don't mind giving back to the community that helps me be self employed. But, some of these charities nag more than a high school girlfriend.

Mobile detail
09-04-2011, 11:14 PM
I won't donate because the still use jerrys name on the donation request at the local supermarket.

09-05-2011, 10:53 AM
I have taken part in my FD's annual voluntary toll road for Muscular Dystrophy for 27 of the 29 years;
MDA is the chosen charity of the International Association of Fire Fighters. My own Local supports the Susan B. Komen 3 day walk for the cure, the PanMass Challenge for cancer research, the Multiple Sclerosis ride for the cure, Duble Trouble + one for Cystic Fibrosis research and other charities.

Part of success in anything one does is paying it forward.

I always enjoyed the "Fill the Boot" campaign by the local Fire Fighters.

But sad to say....The County I live in recently passed a "pan-handler" law to discourage the presence of street-bums.

The County Commissioners/Lawyers say this also will apply to the Fire Fighters' "Fill the Boot" campaign for the MDA. ###!

Everyone knows that Fire Fighters are no street-bums, and as such, a campaign for the removal of anyone who thinks so is now underway. I say: "Good riddance to those County Commissioners/Lawyers"!!!

BTW, DaGonz, I walked to my local Fire House and made my donation to MDA. I, for one, will miss Jerry Lewis. (and I'm not even French or from France:D)

Also...Thanks for your tireless duty as a Fire Fighter to your community. I'm sure they appreciate it! :)


Flash Gordon
09-05-2011, 04:59 PM
The problem with Jerry Lewis' scam is that only 10% of the proceeds goes to Research. The other 90% goes into Jerry's pockets and those of his cronnie b-ratred celebirity guest

Don't get me wrong. I'm all about helping sick children (check sig) but I just can't get with these numbers (90/10)

Porsche Pilot
09-05-2011, 06:44 PM
My wife got arrested last year for MDA. Some fools bailed her out. If I ever get my hands on those people!

I always give to the boot drive. It is always a pleasure to see the firemen up and about in the daytime. You all know I am kidding...friendly cop/fire rivalry.

09-06-2011, 05:51 AM
The problem with Jerry Lewis' scam is that only 10% of the proceeds goes to Research. The other 90% goes into Jerry's pockets and those of his cronnie b-ratred celebirity guest

Don't get me wrong. I'm all about helping sick children (check sig) but I just can't get with these numbers (90/10)

Got proof, or are you just regurgitating the misinformation and rumors?

Never mind... I did it for you...
snopes.com: Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy (http://www.snopes.com/radiotv/tv/telethon.asp)

09-06-2011, 05:53 AM
My wife got arrested last year for MDA. Some fools bailed her out. If I ever get my hands on those people!

I always give to the boot drive. It is always a pleasure to see the firemen up and about in the daytime. You all know I am kidding...friendly cop/fire rivalry.

No problem... 99% of the cops really want to be firefighters, it's the fear of heights thing.. that and scoring a few points lower on the civil service entrance exam! Im the MAN

Porsche Pilot
09-06-2011, 01:46 PM
No problem... 99% of the cops really want to be firefighters, it's the fear of heights thing.. that and scoring a few points lower on the civil service entrance exam! Im the MAN

I am ok with the heights...it's the fear of running head first into a fire that scares me off!

09-06-2011, 04:13 PM
I am ok with the heights...it's the fear of running head first into a fire that scares me off!

True story.. one my my friends who was an officer with our PD and working the midnight to 8 AM shift was dispatched to break in/robbery in progress at the CVS drugstore on East Main Street. The criminal wasn't the brightest light in the universe, the store is open 24/7/365 and he attempted to break in through a skylight in the roof... he also picked a windy day, and his ladder fell over, trapping him 2 stories up on the roof

Well, the PD arrived on scene and requested FD assistance for a Ladder. We dispatched Ladder 1 from our Station 3. Ladder 1's crew used the aerial to reach the roof, where my friend, running on adrenaline literally ran up the ladder with another officersand arrested the skell. We assisted the other officer and his prisoner down the stick (it's hard to climb down in handcuffs) and then came Mike's turn. Od course, the adrenaline had worn off and he was pertified of the height and climbing down the ladder. It took him a good 10 minutes to climb down the ladder.

Mike retired from the PD a little over 5 years ago and unfortunatey passed away this year from a brain aneurysm. This story was told as part of his eulogy at his funeral, which everyone got a good laugh out of.