View Full Version : Poli-seal vs Duragloss

08-30-2011, 07:56 PM
In the the AIO category, has anyone tried the Duragloss 105/501 products and also used the
optimum poli-seal. All are about $60/gal. I would appreciate any feedback.

Chris Thomas
08-30-2011, 08:16 PM
Poliseal is less abrasive than DG501 but has excellent chemical cleaning. Either is a good choice.

08-30-2011, 08:31 PM
Poliseal is less abrasive than DG501 but has excellent chemical cleaning. Either is a good choice.

This right here is why I buy a lot of optimum stuff. Not only is it amazing, but their company is completely honest.

08-30-2011, 08:36 PM
From my understanding Dg501 contains no abrasives and is strictly a chemical cleaner and sealant. If you want really light correction work and slight protection go with poli-seal. If you want a chemical cleaner with great protection go with DG 501.

08-30-2011, 09:38 PM
From my understanding Dg501 contains no abrasives and is strictly a chemical cleaner and sealant. If you want really light correction work and slight protection go with poli-seal. If you want a chemical cleaner with great protection go with DG 501.

Not sure why people keep saying DG 501 is an AIO? Duragloss Pre-Clean #2 and Swirl Mark Remover contain abrasives, 501 does not. Jerry Bailey told me on the phone you can polish your car everyday for a year without worries of removing paint since 501 contains no abrasives. Maybe I missed something?

OP, yes I have tried 105/501 many times and yes I have tried Optimum Poli-Seal. If you need correction then use Poli-Seal. Chris informed me of a brilliant little combo, mix 70% Poli-Seal with 30% Polish II for slightly more cut. I used this combo on a white Honda Accord and followed with Optimum Car Wax and the owner was more than thrilled. :)

08-30-2011, 09:41 PM
Speaking of Poli-Seal, you can apply Opti-Seal over Poli-Seal and it will re-position itself under Poli-Seal, correct Chris? I wish I would have done this to the Accord and performed a final wipe with OCW. I'm still learning to use Optimum to it's full capacity.

Chris Thomas
08-30-2011, 09:59 PM
Speaking of Poli-Seal, you can apply Opti-Seal over Poli-Seal and it will re-position itself under Poli-Seal, correct Chris? I wish I would have done this to the Accord and performed a final wipe with OCW. I'm still learning to use Optimum to it's full capacity.

Yes that's a great combo. Then sealant in Poliseal is a derivative of OptiSeal so they complement each other quite nice.

08-30-2011, 10:44 PM
Thanks for the info. From the #501 description-polish and seals-it was my error in assuming it may have some abrasives.
Then if the car has opti-coat, would it be better to "clean-up" with #501 than with opt-seal which has some correction?

08-31-2011, 07:25 AM
501 is a great cleaner and long lasting sealant. Poli seal is a great cleaner which to me leaves a more of a carnauba warm look to the car but by itself does not last long, top it with Opt Opti Seal for a great look and long lasting protection

Chris Thomas
08-31-2011, 08:35 AM
I meant to say aggressive instead of abrasive. I have used 501 for a metal polish before even.

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