View Full Version : Sealant then wax on customers car how?

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08-30-2011, 06:58 PM
So i was wondering how i was going to pull this off without holding onto their cars overnight. My plan for the winter was to apply WG pant sealant and then top it off with Collinite 845. Problem is the WG needs 12hrs to cure before i can top it off with #845. Am i correct with the 12 hour curing time thing or have ive been doing it wrong this whole time? Im an at home detailer part-time and don't own a shop, so i was thinking of having them bring it to me the next day, leave it over-night or i would come out to them. Just wondering what your guys inputs or suggestions are.

tuscarora dave
08-30-2011, 07:20 PM
#845 will last through the winter. It is a tough call on how to do both, however it looks like you have answered your own questions. 12 hour cure time sounds right for most sealants. I think Opti-Seal has a quicker cure time than most. Maybe you could use that instead as a sealant.
Most of my customers want their car done and me gone the same day but then again I am mobile and don't offer both. I think it's overkill for the average car owner.

08-30-2011, 07:20 PM
I'm in the same boat part time home detailer. I would say if they can't leave the car maybe go to them after the cure time. You might have to do a quick detailer wipe down if they drove it or even if not just from airborn stuff. I guess the only thing is to make sure there no inclement weather in the forecast because if I'm not mistaken a sealant shouldn't get wet during the cure. If customer has a garage just make they keep in there for that time.

08-31-2011, 04:13 AM
How about the 601/105 Combo? I read somewhere that it can be topped immediately. Others suggest mixing the two to save time.

08-31-2011, 07:41 AM
DG 105/601 in a 4:1 mixture will cure in 2 hrs or less if left in the sun

08-31-2011, 07:56 AM
Why not :
1. Explain to the customer what the options are.
2. Advise what you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each.
3. Let the customer decide. They're paying for it and have to live with the results.

5.4 Shelby
08-31-2011, 08:04 AM
Why bother with the wax? The result is not going to be substantial enough to warrant the hassle of making any special arrangements. The customer likely will not see the difference.

WG DGPs will provide a nice gloss to their cars and decent protection. I would offer them either a wax or sealant period.

The only customers that would want both would be show car customers. If you have some of those, they would understand the need for overnight curing.

08-31-2011, 09:55 AM
If I had to choose one or the other I would go with the 845. As much protection and longevity pait sealants offer such as WG DGPS, nothing compares to 845. WG DGPS offers a slightly deeper look but fails when it come to durability.