View Full Version : Yup, another dumb question.

08-24-2011, 09:40 AM
Can 2 people wash, and use a basic 3 step plan to wax (like Mothers paint clean, seal, wax) and have the job look consistent, as though one person did it?

I have 2 friends with newer F150s and have offered to help them "double team" their rigs, but I am second guessing it now (too many variables).

Thoughts, concerns, absolutes?


08-24-2011, 09:51 AM
It will look consistent as long as you show them exactly how to do it (there is going to be a lot of teaching going on and probably take longer to do it this was rather than just do it yourself) You will however be teaching them for next time so they may not need you and can do it themselves.

I did this when my friend got his new car. I showed him how to wash it properly and now we wash our trucks together and he doesn't need help anymore.

He may steel my brushes and stuff in the middle of it though :laughing:

08-24-2011, 10:12 AM
be careful not to cross wash media...


08-24-2011, 11:53 AM
good points, glad I asked. I can see this working out.

08-24-2011, 12:17 PM
I have a Flex and a Megs GV110v2. I put 4" pads on the Megs. My wife uses one and I use the other. Details get done in 1/2 the time plus we get to spend time together. It's a win win.

Mike Phillips
08-24-2011, 01:34 PM
Detailing with help is always better and faster...

If you see your buddies using any type of incorrect technique, just gently share a technique that works for you and demonstrate it.

I wrote the below article after working with a genuine car guy that just needed a little help in correctly using a microfiber towel.

How to correctly fold and use a Microfiber Towel (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/29230-how-correctly-fold-use-microfiber-towel.html)

There's nothing gentle about wiping paint with a wadded up towel...

Although it's a small detail, if you simply scrunch up a microfiber towel or even lay it flat and then wipe, you could potentially put scratches back into the paint.

So along this example, if you see your buddies using any kind of wrong technique, kindly and gently offer a few suggestions...

