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02-02-2012, 01:14 PM
After I clay and wax I run my hand lightly over the surface, I LOVE to feel how smooth it is. The first time my girl friend saw me do this she was like "did you just pet your car?" LOL

I've been caught "petting" my car too . . . get that look from the wife that says "maybe you should be paying that much attention me mister!"

BTW, just found out I get the day off tomorrow :xyxthumbs:. So, unplaned 3 day weeekend + 65 degree weather = first thought to cross my mind "perfect chance to get another layer of Fuzion on the truck before it rains on Saturday!" So glad to know I'm not alone!

02-02-2012, 02:36 PM
Another reason why I read this forum, I can now assure myself that I am not crazy for watching water bead off my car when it rains, or paying attention to the reflection of road signs on the car hood when driving.

My friends I'm afraid we have all been diagnosed with a very serious disease…….Detailers syndrome.
