View Full Version : Using harsh detailing chemicals around pets.

tuscarora dave
08-21-2011, 12:38 PM
I stopped at a new client's home yesterday to give him an idea of what I can do to his new to him Volvo. I found the car's paint to be loaded with imbedded brake dust or rail dust. I clayed half the hood, taped off that half and proceeded to do a correction on that half using M-105 then M-205 with my rotary. I followed that with a coat of UPGP. He was amazed at the results and said how he thought the car was clean to begin with and how he was wrong in thinking that after seeing the difference. I convinced him and we made the appointment for next Saturday for a 2 step compounding/polishing.

While there his 2 dogs were showing off their tricks and really hamming it up for me. They run free and do not leave the property. I described to him what IronX is and how it is used and said that I would use his car as my first experience with using it. A day or 2 ago I noticed a thread on here recommending the use of a gas mask while working with IronX. I assume the poster of that thread was just kidding about the mask while implying that the IronX really stinks.

I am a dog lover and my dog Jack has found some really nasty stinking stuff to be a delicacy, licking up and eating some stuff that would make most humans puke. I got to thinking about this and the thought occurred to me. "What if the dogs lick up the water after I rinse the IronX off of the car?"

Any thoughts on this subject or experience with dogs getting sick from drinking the water left behind on the driveway after using harsh chemicals during a detailing session?

Flash Gordon
08-21-2011, 01:11 PM
Trouble only drinks Perrier

08-22-2011, 02:49 AM
Havent seen any problems like that but have stopped many dogs from trying to drink from my soapy water buckets and a few kids from brushing their teeth with dirty toothbrushes !

Be extra watchful when pets and kids are around!

08-23-2011, 06:19 AM
I always keep my princess Bella out of the driveway while it's wet with contaminants. I also spray down the driveway when I'm done. If a dog walks across a wet area where you have used wheel cleaners and such and then they lick their paws later it can't be good for them. I lost my angel Missy to cancer after many wonderful years and I have no desire to speed the process by allowing animals to ingest any cancer causing agents.

Many people have this idea that if you are allowed to buy it than it must be safe but the truth is that if it is a industrial chemical there is very very little in the way of anyone testing it for safety unless the company that produces it takes that upon themselves.