View Full Version : Products/Process Questions

08-20-2011, 05:00 PM
So I just bought my PC 7424 (which broke my bank enough lol) but im ready to use and wanna know what you guys think of the products I have lined up for my first detail!

This would be in the order I am going to use them too

Pinnacle Ulta Poly Clay Kit
Meguairs Ultimate Compound (I already have it)
Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover
Meguairs Ultimate Polish (I already have it)
Poor Boys Black Hole Glaze
Rejex Paint Sealant

I feel like you guys are gonna say the meguairs stuff isnt the greatest, but I already have it and on a college kid budget I'd like to save some $ but let me know your thoughts any way.

Also, does the soap for the initial wash matter, I know it needs to be for car washing but is there a difference between the expensive stuff on here vs. whatever I get at walmart?

Lenghty post, I know. Sorry. But thanks in advance for the help!

One more thing, im sure somewhere on here theres a guide for what pad to use for what, I bought the 229.99 7424 starter kit, can someone point me to the thread that explains what to do with each or just gimme a run down here

08-20-2011, 05:17 PM
Order of process basics.


The over the counter Meguiar's car wash is a very good product and reasonably priced.

The Meguiar's over the counter products you mention above are actually quite good.

While I'm not entirely sure you may find that the Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover is as aggressive and maybe a tad more than Meguiar's Ultimate Compound so you might want to eliminate "it" since you've already filled this category.

Compounding in general requires an orange pad while polishing works well with white and gray pads.

Autogeek Buffing Pad Comparison Chart (http://www.auto-geek.net/charts/buffing-pad-chart-lc.htm)

Glazes are fine but are meant to temporally hide minor defects. If you correct the majority of surface defects with Meguiar's Ultimate Compound and Meguiar's Ultimate Polish then a glaze is unnecessary.

After the paint correction phase is complete wash everything down with a light solution of car wash and water, then dry completely.

Apply your sealant according to the manufactures instructions and buff with clean microfiber towels.

08-20-2011, 05:19 PM
So I just bought my PC 7424 (which broke my bank enough lol) but im ready to use and wanna know what you guys think of the products I have lined up for my first detail!

This would be in the order I am going to use them too

Pinnacle Ulta Poly Clay Kit
Meguairs Ultimate Compound (I already have it)
Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover
Meguairs Ultimate Polish (I already have it)
Poor Boys Black Hole Glaze
Rejex Paint Sealant

I feel like you guys are gonna say the meguairs stuff isnt the greatest, but I already have it and on a college kid budget I'd like to save some $ but let me know your thoughts any way.

Also, does the soap for the initial wash matter, I know it needs to be for car washing but is there a difference between the expensive stuff on here vs. whatever I get at walmart?

Welcome to AGO.

Yes...what you wash with matters. Go by the Wally World and pick up some Megs gold class to start with.

Most will also tell you that UC (ultimate compound) and ultimate polish are great products and alot of folks use them.

The rest of your products look like a great start.

Welcome to the addiction.


08-20-2011, 07:10 PM
The Wolfgang and the glaze as pointed by Bobby are redundant...nothing wrong with that but if are really on a budget, you may want to use those funds towards your tires dressing, an APC, MF towels, or a good car shampoo, just an idea...:xyxthumbs:

08-20-2011, 11:10 PM
Good advice from the pros above. Megs is a fine product line. Please post some before and after pics and welcome aboard.