View Full Version : Waxing over vinyls, afraid to pull up

08-20-2011, 02:40 PM
I just got this put on my truck. The guy that put it on warned what with all of the ragged edges microfiber towels may catch and pull it off.

What do you guys think? How should I go about waxing it?

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/319094_197958543601976_167489699982194_563190_9822 5_n.jpg

08-20-2011, 03:27 PM
You could use cloth diapers or a plain cotton T-shirt

08-20-2011, 04:00 PM
One way is you could use blue painters tape. Couple of my coustomers have vinyl lettering. Another thing is with the fine edges move with that direction it will save your lettering longer

08-20-2011, 04:12 PM
To be honest I've never seen or heard of Microfiber towels pulling up vinyl lettering or strips. If you're careful and try not to be overly aggressive you should be fine.

08-20-2011, 04:52 PM
Using common sense and taking your time and be gentle you should have no problem.

08-20-2011, 05:07 PM
Washing: use one or two passes with your wash mitt and be done with it - don't keep going over it
Drying: do the blot method using a quality waffle weave towel
Waxing: use a WOWA sealant like Opti-Seal or UPGP, that way you will not have to worry about wiping over the decals with a microfiber or getting wax residue around the edges

I assume your truck is polished, so that should not be an issue for quite some time as long as you only touch it with quality products and tools and use good technique when washing and drying. Claying may prove a bit more tricky. If you must clay, do so very carefully, going around the decals if possible. Hope this helps.

08-20-2011, 05:52 PM
:xyxthumbs:Thanks guys! Sounds good.

Hopefully these only have to last a few months (I should be getting a new truck soon).