View Full Version : Cool project in the studio today...

Mike Phillips
08-18-2011, 11:40 AM
Cool project in the studio today...

I'll be posting a few pictures on the fly to my Facebook page using my cell phone...


08-18-2011, 12:20 PM
cool project in the studio today...

I'll be posting a few pictures on the fly to my facebook page using my cell phone...



08-18-2011, 12:33 PM
is this payback for that other post?

I'm still too cool...

08-18-2011, 12:58 PM
is this payback for that other post?

I'm still too cool...

And still excluded :D


C. Charles Hahn
08-18-2011, 02:29 PM
And still excluded :D


And damn proud of it! Anyone who wants to force me to use Facebook and/or Twitter to keep in touch with them obviously doesn't want me to keep in touch with them, so screw 'em! :nomore:

Audi X2
08-18-2011, 02:40 PM
You can view Mike's Facebook pictures without being a member.

Mike Phillips - Public Figure - Stuart, FL | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mike-Phillips/160604287306951?ref=sgm)

08-18-2011, 02:57 PM
let's all chill peoples... AG listened to us about the google plus crappola that was giving some fits with their locked down web browser security settings. I noticed it stopped happening very soon after a couple threads came up about it.

Likewise I'm sure the sales will be posted here as well as on FB. Can't blame AG for trying to expand their core customer base. They are probably already feeling the effects of Mark cutting down his orders to only a few per week... :D

you're awesome Mark!

08-18-2011, 03:23 PM
I am sure the same things about new forms of media were said about television, FM Radio (omg no one will listen to that!), pagers, cell phones, computers, email (who would use that, its so impersonal..)

I understand the right to privacy and I am one who watched what I post and who can see my personal info. I try to stay under the radar on most things. But FB and social media are replacing standard news and print media. If you like it or not its not going away!

08-18-2011, 03:36 PM
I am sure the same things about new forms of media were said about television, FM Radio (omg no one will listen to that!), pagers, cell phones, computers, email (who would use that, its so impersonal..)

I understand the right to privacy and I am one who watched what I post and who can see my personal info. I try to stay under the radar on most things. But FB and social media are replacing standard news and print media. If you like it or not its not going away!

Thought you might "like" this::)

MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/MSDS-Material-Safety-Data-Sheets/400413272570)

:D :D :D J/K


08-18-2011, 03:44 PM
Nice.... Bob I would ask everyone on this forum if they own the company and call the shots. Max and his staff are doing what they feel is best. And in reality the FB crowd is probably 100000x larger then all the members of this forum. Why not throw them a bone to?

08-18-2011, 05:43 PM
Nice.... Bob I would ask everyone on this forum if they own the company and call the shots. Max and his staff are doing what they feel is best. And in reality the FB crowd is probably 100000x larger then all the members of this forum. Why not throw them a bone to?

Who knows...If these types of social networks had been around years ago, I might have seen fit to use them, been able to retire at a much earlier age. :) Too late to worry about it now.

Max and the gang at AG have every right to do businees as they deem necessary...people can agree or disagree with the methods chosen...But it seems apparent that they've done pretty darn good so far. May they continue to prosper, too.

The number of people/businesses using the social networks are immense....and the numbers keep growing. It's nice that people on facebook may have an opportunity to share in getting some of the proverbial 'bone'. That doesn't bother me one iota.

This fact, though, does concern my family and I:
Even though the claims of being 'tightly" written, hackers continually are finding ways to steal people's info from facebook, and other social networks as well.

Surely everyone has heard of these incidents, how that has drastically changed people's lives; how they feel screwed over; how many have incurred financial ruin; and, the uphill struggle it takes to get back on solid footing. Some will say it hasn't, or can't, happen to me. Shocking and utterly unbelievable when it does!

That is the kind of "BONE" I wish not ever thrown my way.

I also can't honestly believe that Mark Zuckerberg and associates care about any 'bones' being thrown around while they sit back and enjoy the proverbial "Fatted Calf".

Like it or not Like it....:)


Mike Phillips
08-18-2011, 05:53 PM
Here's my input...

Facebook is a touchpoint, it not good, not bad, just one of multiple types of touchpoints.

If you don't want to use Facebook for whatever your reasons then that's you choice, if you want to use Facebook that's your choice too. Coke, Pepsi. Ford, Chevy, etc.

For me it's a fast way to share something taking place in our Studio today and tomorrow. I find Facebook does in fact reach a different audience than the forum and when I'm working on a project in the Studio whether it's TV work, Video work or buffing out a car, it's fast and easy to take a picture and upload it to my Facebook page.

We just finished up a full day of shooting and it's time to shut down Autogeek Show Car Garage for the night. It was a long day but a fun day and it's going to be a long and fun day tomorrow, but it's some of the best parts of my job and I'm thankful.

Time to lock the doors, set the alarm and join everyone else for some dinner!
