View Full Version : How to remove concrete from paint

New Image
08-13-2011, 07:30 PM
Has anyone experience this before. There are spec to nickel size concrete on the car paint. How would I go about removing it with out damaging the paint?

08-13-2011, 07:39 PM
How long has it been there?

if its fresh wd-40 will help or a soaked mf with water and push it against the spot and let dwell for a few to soften then wipe away

if its been there for more than a day then it will take longer to remove.......using the above tips.

sometimes a plastic razor blade will help but be carefull.

once removed some spot polishing may be in order to fully remove the stain.

New Image
08-13-2011, 07:49 PM
How long has it been there?

if its fresh wd-40 will help or a soaked mf with water and push it against the spot and let dwell for a few to soften then wipe away

if its been there for more than a day then it will take longer to remove.......using the above tips.

sometimes a plastic razor blade will help but be carefull.

once removed some spot polishing may be in order to fully remove the stain.

Been on for about a year.

08-13-2011, 08:01 PM
try gas


08-13-2011, 08:27 PM
Been on for about a year.

Try the wd40,spritz let dwell,hit it again,let dwell then use plastic blade to remove then polish.

I have had good results with this........but being on the car for a year you can bet its left a stain that may not compund or polish out.

08-13-2011, 08:35 PM
make a dam around the concrete and fill it with grape juice....the acid in the juice will break down the concrete but wont hurt the paint

08-13-2011, 10:47 PM
Been on for about a year.

Been on that long?
1. Try RoMix's Back-Set then.
2. White vinegar, or similar mild, organic acid and a lot of patience.
3. WD-40 and a lot of patience.
4. Go to your local masonry supply house...ask them what would be best (I'd say they'll say muriatic acid @4:1)
5. Stop in and visit a cement mixing/pouring operation for advice (same as above, I'd guarantee)
6. Ask your friendly local pool owners if they have any muriatic acid.
7. If not familar with the properties of, or the safety & health precautions one should know concerning this acid then, if I were you.....DON'T USE MURIATIC ACID!

I hope you're not too displeased when you see what the underlying paint looks like.


08-13-2011, 10:54 PM
I used simple green....work everytime....I put it on a towel and push it against the concete.....It alway work for me

bmp auto detail
08-14-2011, 07:10 AM
I have used vinegar with excellent results.