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08-12-2011, 01:45 PM
Ok Folks,
I purchased a 2005 BMW M3 convertible w/ cinnamon interior and they talked me into Cilajet...maybe because the car in the showroom which had Cilajet and looked liked it was "dripping" paint. The car looked beautiful for 4 months but now it has some swirl marks and doesn't spakle like it use too. Wondering IF I can give the "treatment" clay, polish, wax....Has anyone had detailing expierence with the Cilajet product? If so will it harm the coating if I give a good detail job?

Looking for advice...thanks in advance.
Attached photo is the day I brought it home...

08-12-2011, 02:14 PM
sounds like a regular sealant to me but the website doesn't say how long it is good for. Good range for sealants is 4-5 months on average.

is the car garaged or left outside 24/7? If outside, sealant is probably gone or close to it. If you clay, then polish those swirls out, what's left of the sealant will be removed.

If you think the "coating" is still there, then a mild clay, maybe paint cleaner, then pure paste carnauba (mother's or megs gc) is in order. If it was a coating, this wouldn't hurt it but I still think even this will remove whatever is left.

Hope you didn't pay too much for it but hey, at least you came here and didn't go back to the dealership to play another round of "sell me something for 5 times what it really costs"...

08-12-2011, 02:53 PM
The car sits undercover outside...need a bigger garage...different forum!!
Thanks for the great advice...I am going to work on it this weekend...the original cost was $400 and it looked realllly good...however like you said...4-5 months it is really blahhh to me.

08-12-2011, 03:09 PM
I just did a white car for a friend here:


white hides a lot of stuff but crap will still bond to the paint if it isn't protected. Best and longest lasting protection once you get the swirls out would probably be DG 601/501 then 601/105. If that sounds like too much work, then slap on some 845 and call it a day. I have lots of stuff to choose from but after a long session, I always seem to reach for the 845...

08-13-2011, 03:47 AM
Cila jet is "suposed" to last 10 years .......with a second application after 5 . I wont beleive it till I see it but thats what their site says .

according to their website wax can be applied on top but it has to be a pure paste wax and not a liquid that has solvents in it.

I would imagine clay or polish would be too agressive , mothers is pretty mild though and may be ok.

08-13-2011, 06:53 AM
Thanks Buddhadog...honestly so far...no response from the Cilajet folks. Called the dealer and got the deer in the headlight look over the phone....I will try the MG to get it shine back. Love the car either way!!

Setec Astronomy
08-13-2011, 07:24 AM
Can I ask for a time-out?

The car is only 4 months old, lives under a cover, but has lost it's sparkle? And on top of that, has swirl marks? That to me doesn't scream "Cilajet failure", it screams "improper wash techniques".

New cars don't lose their shine in 4 months sitting outside, even with no cover or no wax/sealant on them. So, IMO the car is dirty, has been dulled by improper wash technique, or taking that cover on and off a dirty car. Not to be pejorative, but unless you have a good care regimen, no paint protectant is going make a difference.

Can you tell us a little about how you wash it, what kind of cover you have, how often you remove/replace the cover, how the cover is stored, etc.

08-13-2011, 07:44 AM
Can I ask for a time-out?

The car is only 4 months old, lives under a cover, but has lost it's sparkle? And on top of that, has swirl marks? That to me doesn't scream "Cilajet failure", it screams "improper wash techniques".

New cars don't lose their shine in 4 months sitting outside, even with no cover or no wax/sealant on them. So, IMO the car is dirty, has been dulled by improper wash technique, or taking that cover on and off a dirty car. Not to be pejorative, but unless you have a good care regimen, no paint protectant is going make a difference.

Can you tell us a little about how you wash it, what kind of cover you have, how often you remove/replace the cover, how the cover is stored, etc.

:iagree: Except the OP said it was a year 2005 vehicle. The dealership's "detailers" probably applied this sealant over some prior defects from previous owner(s) 'mistakes'. The OP's wash/dry/car cover processes may also come into play with the current appearance of his vehicle.

Just a thought. :)


Setec Astronomy
08-13-2011, 07:48 AM
:iagree: Except the OP said it was a year 2005 vehicle.

Oops...I missed that. Makes it difficult to say whether the car has degraded in 4 months or whether it's the original/actual finish starting to appear. I guess we all know how likely it is that the dealer did a proper correction before applying their sealant...

08-13-2011, 08:43 AM
Oops...I missed that. Makes it difficult to say whether the car has degraded in 4 months or whether it's the original/actual finish starting to appear. I guess we all know how likely it is that the dealer did a proper correction before applying their sealant...

Sounds like a long lasting glaze was used.

Also sounds like a good time to pick up the following:

Meguiar's Dual Action Polisher (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-dual-action-polisher-g110.html)
Meguiar's W-67DA Backing Plate (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-w67da-5-inch-backing-plate.html)
Meguiar's 5" Micro Fiber Cutting Discs (http://www.autogeek.net/5in-microfiber-cutting-discs.html) (x2)
Meguiar's Micro Fiber Correction Compound (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-da-compound.html)
Meguiar's M205 Ultra Finishing Polish (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-205-polish-8oz.html)
Lake Country 5.5" White (x4) and Black (x2) flat pads (http://www.autogeek.net/lake-country-beveled-pad-kit.html)
Griot's Garage Pre-Wax Cleaner (http://www.autogeek.net/griots-pre-wax-cleaner.html)
Paint sealant (http://www.autogeek.net/was.html) - Look through the entire selection and do a search on the forum

08-14-2011, 08:36 AM
Thanks again for the great tips everyone...I try and be extremely careful removing the cover but I do think I add into the "loss gloss" every time I unwrap the car. I will search the forum for the sealant...will have to sneak a purchase and delivery past the wife. Wish Autogeek would ship in a plain box!! haha...She claims I love the car more than her....

03-10-2014, 11:05 PM
Personally, I am happy with cilajet.

08-16-2014, 11:50 AM
Here is my Cilajet experience:


10-08-2016, 11:02 PM
Bought my 2014 Ram 2500 and traded my 1500 at Bill Brandt, thank god they sell the Cilajet and at a great price $675.00, cheaper than my 1500 when I bought it. Love this Cilajet great investment...

10-08-2016, 11:09 PM
Can you say "Sila-Scammed" ?