View Full Version : Removing scratches from shattering glass

08-10-2011, 08:39 PM
So tonight as I was closing the garage door after pulling my freshly washed car in after a weekend of traveling, the top panel of the door decides to crack and the window in that panel shatters all over my car. I didn't get to take great pictures but snapped some quick ones with my iphone. The camera obviously didn't capture the extent of the damage.

My question is can the majority of this be fixed? Obviously now I WILL be purchasing a PC 7424XP to take care of this b/c its unacceptable how it looks! (Guess I just needed that perfect excuse) Some scratches left from the glass falling are deeper than others, and even if they're not completely removed at least I'll be able to make them less noticeable, right?

After running my fingernail over the scratches, it catches, but they do not feel very deep at all. Some good compound, followed by a polish would take care of this, right? I'm not going to wet sand... that shouldn't be required I hope.

What does everyone think? Anyone had experience correcting such a thing before? Cant be toooo uncommon.

On the bright side, I will be able to place a very hefty order that can be "justified!" :props:

Here are some pics:



08-10-2011, 08:56 PM
Yeah you should be able to correct most of that. What all are you ordering?

08-10-2011, 09:02 PM
looks more like paint chips

08-10-2011, 09:05 PM
I think some are :-/ can't do much about that except some dr. color or whatever it is called? How much could be corrected with a polisher? I was thinking of using poorboys products because they're easy and I would be able to use them outside. The space and lighting isnt the best in my garage.

08-10-2011, 10:13 PM
Sorry to hear this. :(
I'm assuming your paint is bc/cc. If so, scratches that are deep enough to catch your fingernail may present a challenge. Most clear-coat paint is only 2-2.5 mils (.0025 inches) thick. I truly don't know how 'deep' into the scratches your fingernails went...I venture to say you may not know either.

Therefore, approach abrading (polishing) these areas with care. Use the least aggressive polish/pad combo first and work your up the aggressive ladder, as you feel need be, hopefully without compromising the clear-coat. Some scratches may be too deep to remove without wet-sanding/color-sanding. Sometimes a few "battle scars" may be inevitable.

Dr. Colorchip is one option for the chipped spots.

For the life of me, I never understood glass panels in a garage door. That's always the first thing I get rid of. IMO....They only lend themselves to accidents like this, peeping Toms, burglars and such. You may want to replace the top panel with a solid metal panel, or lexan instead of glass replacement, if you should desire.

So back to your question: Yes, from the pics, most of it looks like it can be corrected. Just don't compromise your clear-coat trying to rid the paint of any 'too deep' scratches. Afterall, you acknowledged that 'less noticable' will be better than the current condition.

Good Luck! with your new purchases. Let us know the outcome of your correction project. Thanks
