View Full Version : Scratch removal steps and product?

08-09-2011, 06:52 PM
SO i used my new pc7424 with just a pinnacle swirl remover and a finishing glaze and my car looks a ton better but there are some scratches on the driver side of my car that a billboard left when it rubbed against my car after being blown around in a wind storm. so my question is what products do i need do i need some heavier duty compound or wet sanding im not sure if i need to get that extreme, the scratches aren't deep enough to be felt by running my fingernail over them so they should be correctable right? any suggestions would be appreciated also im only working with the orange lake country pads so other pad suggestions would be great as well thanks in advance

08-09-2011, 08:28 PM
Orange or Yellow with Megs 105. Take it slow and take paint measurements if you have a paint guage. Follow up with Megs 205 with a white pad and then your LSP. Hope this helps...