View Full Version : Purified water wash Down vs. Distilled.

08-09-2011, 11:49 AM
Now I know that distilled water is usually made from boiling water and catching the condensation in a separate container. (something like that). My question is can I used purified water to wash down the vehicle to a spot free finish? The water has been purified by reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, micron filtration and ozonation. Would this achieve the same water spot free finish as distilled water?

08-09-2011, 11:55 AM
do those processes remove minerals b/c that is what you get when you distill water. Bacteria is not going to leave spots on your car (well, maybe microscopic poo spots), it's the minerals.

if yes, then yes...

only way other than to test the filtered water for mineral content is to try it and let it dry on your car (maybe not in the sun though)...

08-09-2011, 12:04 PM
Yes. Reverse osmosis removes dissolved minerals, so you will get a spot-free rinse. Just make sure your system does not add minerals back in for taste. Some systems do that.

BTW, you can also use water from a dehumidifier if you have one. That is also functionally de-ionized water. I pour the water from our dehumi's into gallon jugs for use. Does a great job. Plus, it's essentially free. Ya gotta love free.

08-09-2011, 12:08 PM
yes i use my RO/DI filter for my fish tank sometimes to give my car a final rinse with it..and it leaves it spot free.

08-09-2011, 01:18 PM
Yes. Reverse osmosis removes dissolved minerals, so you will get a spot-free rinse. Just make sure your system does not add minerals back in for taste. Some systems do that.

BTW, you can also use water from a dehumidifier if you have one. That is also functionally de-ionized water. I pour the water from our dehumi's into gallon jugs for use. Does a great job. Plus, it's essentially free. Ya gotta love free.

I did not know that. Awesome!

08-09-2011, 02:47 PM
My buddy Jim educated me on the fact you should never drink distilled water. Apparently it leaches the minerals from your body since it doesn't have any minerals in it.

08-09-2011, 02:54 PM
My buddy Jim educated me on the fact you should never drink distilled water. Apparently it leaches the minerals from your body since it doesn't have any minerals in it.

Have to disagree. That's one of the many urban legends on the web. Google it.

08-09-2011, 03:02 PM
There are meters out there that will tell you the amount of disolved solids that are in the water in question. Clean reverse osmosis systems will filter down to >2 ppm. Over time, the PPMs will increase and that's the time to change filters.

P.S. Distilled water is safe to drink, it's deionized water that could be unsafe because the deinonization process doesn't remove harmful bacteria or viruses.

08-09-2011, 03:28 PM
My buddy Jim educated me on the fact you should never drink distilled water. Apparently it leaches the minerals from your body since it doesn't have any minerals in it.

I've heard about this too, but it depends on who you ask. Distiller manufacturers/distributers will tell you it's perfectly safe to drink and that if you're really concerned about mineral loss/leaching, you could always add minerals commonly found in tap water back into distilled water. It is the purest water available and usually has a TDS reading of 0.

Internet sources (from doctors to gardeners) will tell you it's not safe because it lacks minerals, it's acidic and can leach minerals from your body. According to nutritionists, over 90% of minerals we consume is from solids, not tap water. Since I don't have a Ph meter, I can't test the acidity, yet even if it was acidic, would it cause long-term health detriment? I drink lots of lemonade and orange juice. They're acidic and I've yet to experience any ill effects from consuming them. As for the last statement, there's no current or past information to prove it, but I've also read it can leach harmful particles from your body.

Because of the lack of facts, it's difficult to make a wise decision, but if you ask me if I would I drink it, I would answer yes and currently do with no ill effects.

08-09-2011, 03:54 PM
I like the answers, and I will find out if the filter system puts the minerals back in the water.


08-09-2011, 04:52 PM
My buddy Jim educated me on the fact you should never drink distilled water. Apparently it leaches the minerals from your body since it doesn't have any minerals in it.

FWIW, my CR spotless tank explicitly states, "do not drink the water" produced... maybe not the exact wording, but something to that affect.

08-10-2011, 06:40 AM
FWIW, my CR spotless tank explicitly states, "do not drink the water" produced... maybe not the exact wording, but something to that affect.

Not surprising. It's a commercial system for wash water not potable water. Feds and state have requirements for potable water systems.

08-10-2011, 02:35 PM
My buddy Jim educated me on the fact you should never drink distilled water. Apparently it leaches the minerals from your body since it doesn't have any minerals in it.

Umm.... if distilled water leaches minerals from your body, where does it go? Do you burp the minerals out of your body? Doubt it; seems like a fairy tale.

08-11-2011, 06:00 AM
Umm.... if distilled water leaches minerals from your body, where does it go? Do you burp the minerals out of your body? Doubt it; seems like a fairy tale.

You urinate...