View Full Version : too hot to order? clean? wash?

08-01-2011, 09:52 AM
anyone else waiting for it to cool down a bit before ordering more products?

seem to have problems with aerosol cans not wanting to make it after being exposed to heat that is extreme.

forecast for this week has temps lingering at 105-110.
july was 100+ for 23 days.
august is forecast-ed to match that number.

everything is on track to break the record for most 100+ deg. days in a calender year.

looking at the forecast, Houston is around 10 degrees cooler each day for the next 10 days!

08-01-2011, 10:23 AM
I did a detail on Saturday, the car was reporting 104 and was humid as anything. I just took lots of breaks, drank lots of water, didn't push myself.

That being said, I think I lost 5 pounds from sweating so much.

08-01-2011, 11:58 AM
Sunscreen and water and sunglasses.

Do one panel at a time so you dont have water spotting issues.

08-01-2011, 12:04 PM
been doing mine way early saturday mornings. no sun. cool. done!

08-01-2011, 12:06 PM
Yeah, did my car at 8:00 AM (89 degrees), did the wife's at 7:30 PM (88 degrees)

Ted S.
08-01-2011, 12:23 PM
I haven't been waiting, but I should...I'd actually have money vs. credit if I waited.:D

08-01-2011, 12:46 PM
I worked last night at 9pm to wash the car, tolerable then.

And it's never too hot to order products ;)

Ted S.
08-01-2011, 12:49 PM
I worked last night at 9pm to wash the car, tolerable then.

And it's never too hot to order products ;)

I wish I could do that... humidity here is about 90%+ at 9 pm.

Tom Weed
08-01-2011, 12:52 PM
Did my mothers car for her this Saturday, asked her to show up at 9:00 finished it up around 2:30, It was a Iron-X, wash, clay, one step polish with 205 hand applied Collinite 476s for the topper. It was full shade under the canopy's but hot and humid as can be, I was soaking wet from head to toe and pretty much spent. The heat sure takes the enjoyment out of it.

08-01-2011, 02:17 PM
Maybe you can ask for Autogeek to use a larger box than normal and center the product on a bed of peanuts. Just a couple of inches of those foam peanuts should insulate the product from outside head quite nicely.

08-01-2011, 03:23 PM
And it's never too hot to order products ;)

:iagree: The only thing too hot around here are my credit cards burning a hole in my pocket. I call 'em my little BOGO magnets.

08-01-2011, 04:37 PM
It hasn't stopped me from buying what I want but I am not cleaning my cars as often due to the high heat. When it hits the high 90's and into the 100's I stay in the AC as much as possible.

08-01-2011, 05:44 PM
I'll tell ya what, I actually intended to start a thread in regards to this high heat about a month ago and totally forgot.

Anyhow, Here in southern Louisiana, it's been blazing since early may and won't let up until late September. With that being said, the heat has been an element that I've grown to accept and deal with, up until last month.

I was at a clients house doing an interior detail/wax job, working in 98' temp. Even with a pop up tent, I promise I had sweated through 2 shirts before I was finish with the interior aspect. Well, the client came out and offered his out door fan, I was very relunctant at first, thinking the fan would only be good for moving around the hot air. Anyhow, he went on and plugged it in, and man I tell you, this thing made a huge difference. Instantly, I stopped sweating as much and cooled off very quickly. I was actually comfortable working outdoors in nearly 100' weather.

Needless to say, went this job was over I headed over to Lowes and picked up one for myself and have been using it everyday since.
Today we washed/waxed 4 cars. Worked in 98' again with an index of 110, fan rolling and only went through 1 shirt. So my advise to anyone working in this heat, is to GO GET YOURSELF A FAN ASAP!!!