View Full Version : OptiCoat Prep Question

07-29-2011, 08:56 PM
I am going to use Griot's Fine Hand polish to remove my Klasse sealant applied in March. My car was a brand new Acura TL. I do not have any swirls on the car.

Do you think this polish is aggressive enough to remove the sealant? I am trying not to introduce any swirls during my prep stage.

Thanks for any help or input.

07-29-2011, 09:11 PM
Why not try a dawn wash or power clean if you have no swirls? Or even griots paint prep.

Chris Thomas
07-29-2011, 09:35 PM
It will be easy to tell if it works to remove Klasse acrylic. Once you polish, then wipe down your test area with Power Clean or 15% IPA solution and then check for water beading. No beading=bingo.

07-29-2011, 09:43 PM
It will be easy to tell if it works to remove Klasse acrylic. Once you polish, then wipe down your test area with Power Clean or 15% IPA solution and then check for water beading. No beading=bingo.

Thanks. I will be sure to check the car for a lack of beading once I finish the polish. Thanks.