View Full Version : Professional detailers are my heroes

07-24-2011, 08:27 PM
I must take my hat off to the professional detailers that detail and correct paint all day. In the past two days, I've been able to get the car washed and 2 panels corrected with the DA MF compound (covered it with Aqua wax until I get everything done).

My arms are hurting from holding the PC along the side panels and I've sweated so much I probably lost 5 pounds. I can't imagine doing this all day every day.

Like I said....you have my ultimate admiration.


07-24-2011, 10:06 PM
The passion for perfection will keep you going. That and Gatorade.

Which reminds me. Going to get some Gatorade @10 for $10.

07-24-2011, 11:06 PM
Mine too. My hat is off to those guys.

It's really tough climbing into the back seat of a really dirty one on a 100+ day.

detail man
07-26-2011, 07:41 PM
Still after 38 years and going to work at 5 am I still love it. Time flies and the challanges are enormous but the satisfaction out weighs everything else. The average person hasen't a clue on how hard the work is or how hard it is to make it right.

07-26-2011, 08:34 PM
You gotta build up your polisher muscles, haha.

It's like anything else. The first few times you do it...you end up being sore, tired, etc. After a while, it just becomes routine.

I think I speak for probably everyone when I say it's always fun when you get someone who claims what we do is sooooo easy. The best part, is when you put a polisher in their hands and say "yeah, go ahead then". Then you watch the buffer take them for a walk, haha.

Truth is...we make it look easy. But, it's absolutely not. Thanks Jenn!

07-26-2011, 08:36 PM
The passion for perfection will keep you going. That and Gatorade.

Which reminds me. Going to get some Gatorade @10 for $10.

haha, I seek that deal out ALL the time. There's a CVS across the street from my shop...they always have 5-$5 deals on Gatorade and Vitamin Water. When me or one of my guys spots the deal...we pretty much clean them out, lol.

C. Charles Hahn
07-26-2011, 09:02 PM
I think I speak for probably everyone when I say it's always fun when you get someone who claims what we do is sooooo easy. The best part, is when you put a polisher in their hands and say "yeah, go ahead then". Then you watch the buffer take them for a walk, haha.

:laughing: :iagree: