View Full Version : Photos of swirls

07-18-2011, 08:29 PM
I noticed the other day that my honda Pilot had some very fine swirls over the entire thing. They are quite faint and a bit difficult to see because of the steel blue metallic paint. I would like to take pictures to document the process, but it is impossible to get a photo of them because you have to be in the exact right light.

I did do a test spot with my new DA MF (PCXP) starting with the finishing polish that did nothing. I then switched to the compound and it did great. I tried to get some 50/50s and you couldn't see a line to tell a difference, but all the swirls were gone out of the test area.

Does anyone have some suggestions? or should I just not worry about it and make my baby beautiful and go from there.


07-18-2011, 08:52 PM
a flash will usually highlight swirls.

faint ones like you appear to have may require slightly changing the angle of the camera a few times and taking pics of the same panel (or the purchase of a swirl finder light which gets adjusted instead)

that said, just polish up your baby and take some nice afters of the whole car for us all to admire...

C. Charles Hahn
07-18-2011, 08:56 PM
Do you have a Brinkmann swirl finder light? If so it can be invaluable in trying to capture defects with a camera. It took me quite a while to learn the best technique but I have found between the light and using manual focusing with my camera it's not too horrible to adjust angles and capture before/after shots of swirls.

