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07-17-2011, 09:28 PM
When I am not detailing or going to school I like to read up on good books. I need to find some new books to read! Any suggestions?
I currently finished the Hunger Games trilogy. Believe it or not my niece told me to read it and I thought it was a great book especially since it was meant for teen readers,. I pretty much like to read anything that will leave me on the edge of my seat (in this case my La-Z-Boy!)

07-18-2011, 01:58 AM
I like to read the Harry Potter series.

07-18-2011, 06:10 AM
I enjoy reading books whenever I can get the time. I get up at 4 in the morning and don't usually get to bed until about 9 or 10 at night, so I find myself falling asleep just about anytime I sit still. So it's pretty frustrating trying to read. But I enjoy the type of books you mentioned: edge of the seat thrillers that keeps your interest. I also like history; Civil War, WWII, and biographies. Crime books too.

07-18-2011, 06:31 AM
I recommend the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. First 2 books are out now called Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear.

If you want something on a much grander scale then The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan is about as big as it gets.

The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks was good for edge of your seat action.

Another highly recommended series would be The Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman. 7 books total in that series.

If you like YA fiction a couple of recs would be The Bartimaeus Series by Jonathan Stroud and The Artemis Fowl Series by Eion Colfer.

The Dark Tower series by Stephen King is phenomenal.

Anything by Christopher Moore is excellent.

The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy series is one of my all time favorites.

I am sure I forgetting some stuff but these should occupy you for a few years if you decided to read them all.

07-18-2011, 06:40 AM
+1 for the Dark Tower Series, another good one I found is Space Wars, I can't remember the authors name.

07-18-2011, 06:55 AM
I read mostly during the winter months. I like history, some autobiographies, politics, Sherlock Holmes, some comedy, and of course, car stuff.

I buy from library book sales, etc. and put newer releases on my Christmas wush list.

Generally, if a book looks like it will hold my interest, I'll pick it up. Same thing with magazines.

07-18-2011, 06:59 AM
Clive Cussler. Big Dirk Pitt series fan.

07-18-2011, 07:05 AM
Like dog books? Find "Nop's Trials" and "Nop's Hope," by Donald McCaig. I believe you can find them in paperback or perhaps in the library.
"Nop's Trials" would make an awesome movie.


07-18-2011, 07:12 AM
Clive Cussler. Big Dirk Pitt series fan.


I just found a new (to me) author...Richard Marcinko (think that's the correct spelling) Rogue Warrior series.


Porsche Pilot
07-18-2011, 07:56 AM
My favorite author is Mike Phillips. I read all of his stuff. I like reading Vince Flynn novels as well.

07-18-2011, 08:10 AM
I am a bookworm!! You know what I read?! AGO!!!! :) LOL!

Kidding aside, I wish I had more passion to read books.. :(

07-18-2011, 09:59 AM
Right now I'm readying Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen and Fordlandia by Greg Grandin. I suggest everyone go read Fordlandia. I'll let this review describe the book

Proving that truth can indeed be stranger than fiction, Fordlandia is the story of Henry Ford's ill-advised attempt to transform raw Brazilian rainforest into homespun slices of Americana. With sales of his Model-T booming, the automotive tycoon saw an opportunity to expand his reach further by exploiting a downtrodden Brazilian rubber industry. His vision, the laughably-named Amazonian outpost of Fordlandia, would become an enviable symbol of efficiency and mark the Ford Motor Company as a player on the global stage. Or so he thought. With thoughtful and meticulous research, author Greg Grandin explores the astounding oversights (no botanists were consulted to confirm the colony's agricultural viability) and painful arrogance (little thought was paid to how native Brazilians would react to an American way of life) that hamstrung the project from the start. Instead of ushering in a new era of commerce, Fordlandia became a cautionary tale of a dream destroyed by hubris. --Dave Callanan
It's an excellent book. Usually I'm a speed reader, can knock out a paperback in an afternoon, 100 pages an hour, but not these. You gotta s-l-o-w down and take in all the information being thrown at you.

Other books I'v cracked open are The Postman by David Brin, which so far as been excellent. Also reading some Malcolm Gladwell books, interesting reads. But my biggest collection is paperbacks by soldiers who served in Vietnam. I know I've read over 20 paperbacks, each one interesting as the next.

I should get them all out and upload a picture you ya'll.

07-18-2011, 10:05 AM
I never liked reading. If it was a text book, a novel etc etc I hated reading.

Lately however I've found to enjoy reading books that are tied to video games. I've finished up the 1st two books to Gears of War, Fable The Balverine Order, Assiassin's Creed, Warcraft War of the Ancients, etc

Now I'm reading A Song of Ice and Fire series. Pretty darn good if you're into fantasy and watched the HBO series Game of Thrones.

Kaleb G.
07-18-2011, 10:21 AM
Anybody that needs a good laugh should read I hope they serve beer in hell.

07-18-2011, 10:25 AM
Harlan Coben. Full of twists. Bolitar series is funny, too.