View Full Version : Cutting pads

07-12-2011, 09:14 PM
Will an orange or yellow pad still cut if i use it with non abrasive polish?
What makes a cutting pad cut?

And just curious...
How many paint corrections can a clear coat paint job handle in its lifetime?

07-13-2011, 07:05 PM
Will an orange or yellow pad still cut if i use it with non abrasive polish?
What makes a cutting pad cut?

And just curious...
How many paint corrections can a clear coat paint job handle in its lifetime?

Cutting pads are just more abrasive (foam density, etc) and supplement the polish to remove paint.

The goal in efficient polishing (removing as little paint needed to do get it right) is to level the paint by adding back in as little marring as possible. This is determined by your polish/pad choice along with the paint itself (soft, hard, etc).

Cutting pads will add marring that would need to be removed with a subsequent polishing step.

Using a cutting pad and a non-abrasive polish is not the ideal way to level paint. You really generally want the polish to do most of the work and then pad just supplements it for best finish.

Everyone asks about the paint correction and you can search the forum. The common answer is with a reasonable pad and polish and used sensibly you can do usually do not have to worry that much but some paints can be thin especially in spots so there is no guarantee.

What are you trying to do?

07-14-2011, 12:59 AM
Hi Bunky,
Thanks for the reply. Im working on my wifes lexus IS250. Im new to detailing and trying to soak up as much info as possible.