View Full Version : Detailing & the economy...

07-11-2011, 02:15 PM
I know my detailing calendar isn't the best way to gauge the status of the economy, but this year I've had more clients I haven't seen since 2008 crawl out of the woodwork than I ever thought I'd see. I pretty much rely on repeat business and referrals, but this year I've had more business from clients I haven't detailed for in three years than the clients I maintain on a regular basis. If I keep up with my regulars and my old customers keep coming back, then 2011 could be one of the best years since 2007 for me. It is definitely on track to becoming such.

How about you guys? Are you seeing a turn around in the economy based on old customers coming back after a long absence?

Shade Tree
07-11-2011, 06:05 PM
Its the same for us. However, we have had companies come to us asking to offer on site services to their employees as well as residents. I wasn't sure I wanted the company to head in that direction, but it is definitely a win win situation not only with the amount of income each brings, but also the free marketing we receive with each and every business card we hand out to prospects.